Great presentation of the UN initiative – the Global Compact in Belarus

100_2060 Great presentation of the UN initiative – the Global Compact in BelarusOn December, 20 during a great presentation representatives of the organizations which joined the UN initiative – the Global Compact in 2006 in Belarus were awarded with the certificates. MCAEE and a range of partnership enterprises of the Association are in the list.

The speech of Ms. Gihan Sultanoglu, UN/UNDP Representative in Belarus regarding the great presentation of the UN Initiative – the Global Compact in the Republic of Belarus.
“I congratulate the first group of Belarusian companies which joined the Global Compact – the most numerous and commonly accepted initiative within corporate social responsibility. The idea of the Global Compact initiated by the UN Secretary General in 1999 is aimed at creation of conditions for business to cooperate with different UN agencies, governmental and non-governmental organizations for realizing the mainframe principles of ethical doing business regarding maintenance of human rights, labour relations, environment protection and fight corruption. The UN Representative Office in Belarus cordially welcomes your decision to apply these principles in the business strategy of your company, in relations with business partners and clients and also implication of your personnel in the process of implementation of principles of corporate social responsibility.

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UNDP within which the Global Compact is being developed, is assisting by all means the development of this movement in Belarus and will support in future the voluntary initiative of business circles to recognize the importance of corporate social responsibility in this regards. Joining the Global Compact principles is an important event in the life of every company. Participation in the Global Compact opens new possibility for effective activity such as the dialogue on the issues of social equality and social responsibility of business, participation in a wide range of UN programs and events, creation of new partner projects, exchange of experience and information aimed at ensuring sustainable development within multi-party cooperation. On the next stage it is planned to create the National Network in Belarus that will consist of socially responsible businesses – the Global Compact participants. Its activity will be aimed at organization of regular meetings and discussion of different issues to perfect business strategies and implementation of the Global Compact principles, personnel training, creation of partnership projects.

At the same time I would like to call the Global Compact participants to cooperate with UNDP in Belarus more intensively on the issues that are mutually beneficial and thus to bring their impact to the further development of the private sector and economy of Belarus.

I sincerely hope that the private sector in Belarus will become an active participant of the social and economic development of the country, and your personal participation and and specific actions as the Global Compact members will bring results for your business, strengthen its competitiveness, rase the risk management level, increase relations with the partners and open new possibilities for development of entrepreneurial initiative. Our mutual efforts will assist in rise of prosperity of the population and the country.

I hope for effective cooperation and mutual work".


For the detailed information please apply to Ms. Ludmila Istomina, UNDP projects coordinator, ph. +375 17 2274527, e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.