Round table


kr_stol_icon Round table A “round table” entitled “Governmental support of Innovations. Governmental and International Scientific and Research Programs in Electronics and IT” took place in the Exhibition Centre in Minsk, Pobediteley ave., 14 on March, 20. The initiator of the “round table” is the Innnovation Development Committee by MCAEE. The organizers: MCAEE, ANO CIE (E), Regional Centre of Industrial Subcontractation of the Republic of Belarus, Republican Association of Industrial Enterprises and JSC “MinskExpo”.

The following persons presented their speeches during the “round table”:


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Director of Belarusian Innovation Fund Mr. A.P. Grishanovivch – “Financing of innovation projects and production of science intensive goods by means of BelInFund”;




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Head of contacting bureau of Otto von Gerike Association of industrial and research unions of Germany (AiF) in Belarus Mr. V.V. Litvinov -  “Possibilities of scientific and research cooperation of Belarus and Germany within innovation network AiF”; 



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Director of the Republican centre for technologies transfer Mr. A.A. Uspensky – “services and information resources by RCTT, its regional branches and affiliates for innovation businesses”;



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Head of Belarusian regional branch of International Scientific and Technological Centre Mr. A.B. Klepatsky – “Commercial Support Programs of International Scientific and Technological Centre”;



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Head of 7RP National Information Office Ms. О.А. Meerovskaya – “Framework programs of scientific and technological development of the European Union: Possibilities of cooperation for Belarus”;


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Representative of the Ideal-ist 7RР in Belarus, 7RP projects consultant in IT sphere Ms. T.O. Lyadnova  - “7RP Program of the European Union: Program “Information and Communication Technologies”. Open competitions: Call 1. Partners Searching System Ideal-ist”.
During the “round table” heads of industrial enterprises and organizations, small and medium-sized business could get acquainted with practical implementation of governmental support of innovations, financing of innovation activity, increasing of innovation infrastructure. The speakers answered the questions of the participants.
The organizers hope that holding of the “round table” will have an impact to development of scientific and innovation entrepreneurship in the Republic of Belarus, commercialization, assistance to heads of enterprises in adoption of innovation projects, creation and development of industrial processes based on new and high technologies, innovative production, increasing of innovative and export potential of Belarusian enterprises.