On May, 15 2007 Exhibition Enterprise “Expoforum” opened “Belarusian Industrial Forum – 2007”. The “round table” “Attraction of investment to high-tech sector. Public-Private Partnership”. The location: 20/2 Pobediteley ave. (Football Hall), Minsk.
The organizers:
Minsk Capital Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers
Innovation Development Committee of MCAEE
Regional Centre for Industrial Subcontractation (Belarus)
Republican Centre for Technologies Transfer (Belarus)
With support of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus Information partners: magazines – “Director”, “Finance Director”, Currency regulation and FEA”, “Science and Innovations”; “Economic newspaper”, “International Club”
Open 14.00-18.00
The opening ceremony 15.00
Round table “Attraction of Investment to High-Tech Sector. Public-private partnership” 15.30-18.00
The opening ceremony of the round table
The first deputy chairman of the State committee for science and technologies V.I. Nedil`ko, candidate of economic science;
deputy minister of economy A.N. Tur, Ph.D., professor
V.N. Karyagin, president of Minsk Capital Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers;
М.А.Lebedeva, chairman of Innovation Development Committee of MCAEE;
А.А.Uspensky, director of Republican centre for technologies transfer;
К.G.Kolomiets, head of “Finance of real sector of economy” department, Scientific and Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus.
”Networks of technologies transfer to search for sources of financing of commercial projects” - А.А.Uspensky, director of Republican centre for technologies transfer;
”Attraction of investment to innovation projects of Belarusian private business” – R.D. Osipov, candidate of economic science, director of Investment Consulting Department of “Uniter” Investment Company;
”Preparation of business offer of innovation project” - А.S.Semenov, candidate of Physic and Mathematic science, head of consulting department of the National commonwealth of business angels (Moscow);
”Financing of investment by JSC “Belpromstroybank”: experience and perspectives” - К.А.Uzkih, head of Project Financing Department of JSC “Belpromstroybank”;
“Problems and perspectives of intensification of market and institutional reforms in the sphere of financing of Belarusian innovation economy” - К.G.Kolomiets, head of “Finance of real sector of economy” department, Scientific and Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus.
- Attraction of investment to high-tech sector of Belarus: conditions for success and efficiency;
- Creation of favourable institutional and legal framework for innovation activity;
- Development of small and medium-sized innovation entrepreneurship;
- Development of finance infrastructure;
- Creation of tools of motivation and stimulation of innovation activity;
- Forming of innovation infrastructure.
Representatives of state organizations and agencies of Belarus:
Chief scientific employee of Institute of Economy of the National Science Academy of Belarus, Ph.D., professor I.A. Mihaylova-Stanyuta; Chief scientific employee of Institute of Economy of the National Science Academy of Belarus, candidate of economic science, docent T.V. Sadovskaya; Chairman of Industrial Enterprises Economy School of BSEU, Ph.D., professor L.N. Nehorosheva; scientific employee of BSEU S.A. Egorov; scientific employee of Sociology Institute of the National Science Academy of Belarus N.N. Sechko; director of Republican centre for technologies transfer, candidate of economic science A.A. Uspensky,; head of Project Financing Department of JSC “Belpromstroybank” К.А.Uzkih; head of “Finance of real sector of economy” department, Scientific and Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus К.G.Kolomiets.
Heads of the leading investment and consulting companies:
head of Investment Projects Department of JSC “IPM-Consult” V.V. Uvarov; deputy director of audit company “AUDITUM” A.V. Kushner; director of audit company “AUDITUM” О.М. Rak; director of business incubator JSC “Apsel`” L.I. Mastyugin; heads of innovation business incubator of JSC “Apsel`” (Lida) А.М. Mihalovich and A.G. Goncharik; director of Lida affiliate of RCTT T.L. Dashkevich
Representatives of international organizations:
head of the contact bureau of Industrial Research Association of Germany bin the many of Otto von Gerike (AiF) in Belarus, candidate of economic science, V.V. Litvinov; director of centre of FGU of Scientific and Research Institute “Republican Research Scientific-Consulting Centre for Expertise” Ph.D., professor, V.L. Gorbunov; general director of JSC “Editus” P.G. Matveev, Russia; candidate of Physic and Mathematic science, head of consulting department of the National commonwealth of business angels А.S.Semenov (Moscow)
The guests of the round table:
representatives of the State committee for science and technologies, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry the Ministry of Architecture and Construction, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, National Science Academy of Belarus, international organizations.