CIPE - The Center for International Private Enterprise (
Kenya – James Shikwati, Director of CIPE partner the Inter Region Economic Network (IREN), was featured in a New York Times article this week, “Kenya’s Middle Class Feeling Sting of Violence.” The article discusses the impact of the post-election crisis on the lives and livelihoods of Kenya’s middle class, estimated at approximately four million of Kenya’s 37 million people. The article also explores the efforts of Kenya’s middle class to promote reconciliation of the ethnically-charged conflict that has led to the deaths of over 1,000 people and the displacement of more than 600,000 from their homes. CIPE partner the Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) is actively involved in the peace negotiations, representing the business community that has experienced huge losses as a result of the violence. For the full article, visit:
John Sullivan, CIPE’s Executive Director, spoke at the UN General Assembly’s informal review session on Chapter I of the Monterrey Consensus, entitled "Mobilizing domestic financial resources for development." The review session is one of a number of programs being sponsored by the United Nation’s Financing for Development Office. The UN will hold a conference in Doha in November of 2008 to formally review the Monterrey Consensus on Financing for Development which provides guidance for national states, the donor community, and international institutions. More information is available at the UN’s website at
Kenya – James Shikwati, Director of CIPE partner the Inter Region Economic Network (IREN), was featured in a New York Times article this week, “Kenya’s Middle Class Feeling Sting of Violence.” The article discusses the impact of the post-election crisis on the lives and livelihoods of Kenya’s middle class, estimated at approximately four million of Kenya’s 37 million people. The article also explores the efforts of Kenya’s middle class to promote reconciliation of the ethnically-charged conflict that has led to the deaths of over 1,000 people and the displacement of more than 600,000 from their homes. CIPE partner the Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) is actively involved in the peace negotiations, representing the business community that has experienced huge losses as a result of the violence. For the full article, visit:
John Sullivan, CIPE’s Executive Director, spoke at the UN General Assembly’s informal review session on Chapter I of the Monterrey Consensus, entitled "Mobilizing domestic financial resources for development." The review session is one of a number of programs being sponsored by the United Nation’s Financing for Development Office. The UN will hold a conference in Doha in November of 2008 to formally review the Monterrey Consensus on Financing for Development which provides guidance for national states, the donor community, and international institutions. More information is available at the UN’s website at
The SME Edition of Transparency International’s Business Principles for Countering Bribery was launched in Indonesia at the Conference of State Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC). The SME Edition was developed because more than 95% of the world’s business is carried out by smaller companies that may not have the same human and financial resources as larger firms, but are just as vulnerable to the risks of bribery. The SME Edition can also be used by larger companies to encourage SMEs in their supply chain to implement anti-bribery policies and practices. CIPE has provided support in the development and dissemination of the Business Principles over the past several years. For additional information please visit
Liberia – CIPE consultant Wumi Gbadamosi traveled to Monrovia this week to follow up on CIPE’s business association management and governance workshop, held October 29 to November 2, 2007. At the workshop, CIPE developed the skills and knowledge of 30 association executives and board directors in topics such as strategic planning, financial management, membership development, and policy advocacy. This week, Mrs. Gbadamosi met with representatives of the Liberian Chamber of Commerce, Liberian Business Association, ILO, and US Embassy in Monrovia to discuss the needs of the private sector in Liberia, assess any changes implemented by participating organizations since the workshop, and plan strategies to further develop the organizational capacity of Liberia’s key business associations.
Philippines -- This week, the Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD) presented to the president and CEO of the Manila Water Company its corporate governance score, as determined by ICD. ICD Chair Jesus Estanislao discussed the detailed elements of the score and provided the company with ICD’s analysis and recommendations. Estanislao stressed that the present gains in corporate governance improvement in Manila Water should be aligned with the overall strategy of the company to achieve breakthrough results.
Philippines – On February 4, the Institute for Solidarity in Asia (ISA) visited San Fernando Pampanga as it celebrated its City Charter Day, with Mayor Oscar Rodriguez giving a public report on the city's accomplishments under the Public Governance System (PGS). The Co-Chair of the city's Multi-Sectoral Governance Council also gave a report on the accomplishments of the private sector as it pursues the city's road map in tandem with public officials. The provincial governor attended as well as more than 500 people.
Philippines – On February 8, Mayor Marides Fernando delivered her State of the City Address (SOCA) before the citizens of Marikina. She highlighted in her report breakthrough measurable results measured using the PGS scorecard. Earlier that day, she gave a preview of her SOCA when she gave the module on "Motivation to Make Strategy Everyone's Concern" during the ISA Leadership Forum for the Philippine Navy.
On February 13, ISA together with the Professional Regulation Commission and the National Competitiveness Council worked on a draft Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) formalizing the working relationship of the three entities. The group is targeting a late February signing.
Indonesia -- This week, the Institute for the Study and Advancement of Business Ethics (Lspeu) communicated with the secretariats of local parliaments of Bangka Belitung Province about the upcoming workshop in March or April. The workshop will present subjects that are more “political” to help improve the relationship between members of Parliament and their constituents, rather than “technical knowledge.” The workshop will be held in Pangkal Pinang, the capital of the province, which is one of the seven newly created provinces in the last seven years following Indonesia's major political changes.
Romania - The World Bank Group has awarded a contract to the Regional Center for Organization Management established by CIPE in Romania. The contract focuses on "Enhancing the Competitiveness of the Information Technology sector in Ukraine and Romania".
Belarus - On February 7, CIPE partner Minsk Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (MUEE) conducted a training seminar in the region of Molodechno gathering 36 business owners and managers, as well as representatives of the regional governor's administration to present and discuss the new version of the National Business Platform 2008, as well as issues affecting the business environment in Belarus and in the Molodechno region. On February 12, MUEE organized a roundtable with 10 representatives of the Ministry of Finance and entrepreneurs to discuss one of the NBP-related issues on simplifying auditing for small businesses. On February 13, CIPE Belarusian partners MUEE, Analytical Center "Strategy" and Institute for Privatization and Management gathered in Minsk together with 12 representatives of the NBP Issue Committees to discuss additions and changes to the National Business Platform.
Moldova – Last week CIPE partner the Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDIS) presented the National Business Agenda initiative to the local business community and government of the Autonomous Gagauz Republic in the south of Moldova. IDIS also conducted a diagnostic interview with 2 business associations in this region. In addition, the first meeting of the Advisory Board for the National Business Agenda took place on February 7. CIPE program officer Natalia Otel Belan participated in last week's events.
Moldova - This week IDIS held a round table to present and discuss the National Business Agenda (NBA) initiative with representatives of business associations and chambers of commerce from the central region of Moldova. The roundtable gathered 34 participants from 6 districts. A regional branch of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry signed a cooperation agreement with IDIS to participate in the NBA initiative. After the roundtable IDIS held a press conference for the regional press. In addition, IDIS conducted a diagnostic interview with 2 business associations from this region.
Kazakhstan - On February 14, the President of Kazakhstan issued a moratorium on all inspections of small- and medium-sized businesses. This decision was based directly on the advocacy efforts of CIPE partners, the Almaty Association of Entrepreneurs (AAE) and the Kazakhstan Forum of Entrepreneurs (KFE), specifically on the recommendations that they provided to the Government on January 15, 2008. The Chairman of KFE will be presenting the next set of recommendations on improving the business climate at a Parliament committee on February 20.
Georgia - CIPE partner, the Association of Young Economists of Georgia, recently completed a survey of 1,000 small and medium enterprises throughout Georgia. In-depth interviews were held with 15 SME representatives to further expand on obstacles to doing business that were identified in the larger survey. Additionally, 47 SME representatives were selected to form a focus group to further the discussion on barriers to doing business in Georgia.
Bangladesh – On February 13th the Bangladesh Women’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry held their second annual conference on women entrepreneurs in small and medium enterprises (SME). Six sessions were held and a gender action plan was adopted. The chief caretaker advisor inaugurated the event with 1000 participants. He expressed disappointment with the failure of banks to enforce a circular promoting lending for women entrepreneurs and said a special fund would be created for women entrepreneurial development.
Pakistan – This week CIPE Pakistan and partners the Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance and the Institute of Chartered Accounts Pakistan organized a roundtable on corporate governance for family owned companies. The event was attended by representatives of 25 leading family owned businesses.
Pakistan – The governor of the State Bank of Pakistan chaired the first meeting of a consultative group for microfinance development in Pakistan. This was the result of CIPE’s Business Policy Roundtable on Microfinance held last year.
Afghanistan – CIPE’s country representative and program staff met with Abdul Waseh Aryan, senior advisor to the minister of education, and Abdul Nabih Wahidi, advisor to the minister of education and Tashabos coordinator, about expanding the Tashabos program. The minister’s advisor expressed gratitude for CIPE’s work in helping to create an interest in entrepreneurship among Afghanistan’s youth.
Afghanistan - A teacher training program was facilitated this week by the program manager for the Tashabos Entrepreneurship Education Program. Twelve teachers were trained to teach the basic Tashabos curriculum to students in Kabul high schools.
Afghanistan - CIPE’s country representative, program officer, and local program staff met with Mohammad Yunus Qanooni, speaker of the Wolesi Jirga (House of the People), and Daod Sultanzoy, chair of the economics committee, to discuss the beginning of a CIPE program to train parliamentarians about economic concepts. The parliamentarians said that this is greatly needed in Afghanistan and expressed their support for the project.
Ecuador – IEEP’s radio program Contrapunto Liberal was aired on Radio Morena for the first time, giving the program more exposure on the national level. The inaugural theme focused on “Analysis of the Government’s Management of the Economy and Economic Perspectives for the Country.” During the weekly Tribuna Liberal television program, Francisco Franco discussed the “Centralized Autonomy of President Correa.”
Guatemala – On Wednesday, CIPE’s partner CIEN held a seminar with more than 25 entrepreneurs in Guastatoya. CIEN presented information on the informal economy and the National Business Agenda. Attendees discussed issues of concern, including: a deficient educational system, low consumer demand in poor areas, opportunities for tourism, and assistance for women to create businesses.
Egypt – To support Egypt’s reform process within an integrated political and economic agenda, CIPE program director, Randa Al Zoghbi, and Program Officer, Heba Hafez, met with leaders of the newly established Liberal Democratic Front. Mr. Amr Soliman, the party's vice president, and Mr. Mohamed Nossair, head of the international cooperation committee, requested a full briefing on CIPE's mission and programs in Egypt. The party showed great interest in two areas of cooperation, building governance structures to build and maintain its institutional sustainability and effectiveness, and building economic platforms for the party to ensure its out-reach to the grassroots level.
Iraq - CIPE partner, the Kurdistan Economic Development Organization (KEDO) held an entrepreneurship conference in Arbil on February 14, 2008. The conference targeted participants from KEDO’s ongoing entrepreneurship programs. Government officials also attended representing the Ministry of Planning, Ministry of Industry, and Ministry of Youth and Athletics. The total number of attendees was 55. During the conference, entrepreneurs outlined difficulties and obstacles facing development of their businesses and recommended certain solutions the government can adopt. The event was covered by Kurdistan Nawa newspaper, Kurdistan TV, PUK Media, Roznama Khabat newspaper, Al-Sabah Al-Jadid newspaper, Hawlair Newspaper.
Iraq - CIPE partner, the Iraqi Businessmen Union-Thiqar Branch (IBMU), held a roundtable discussion titled “WTO Impact on the Iraqi Economy” in Thiqar province on February 13, 2008. More than 50 participants representing IBMU members, business people and government officials attended the event. Discussion focused on benefits and requirements of joining WTO. The event was covered by Iraqia, Ahwar, Marbad, Furat and Alsumeria channels, and Al Sabah newspaper.
Iraq - CIPE partner, the Sulaymania Chamber of Commerce organized a training program for its staff and executive directors titled “Capacity Building for Chamber’s Staff and Directors” in Sulaymania on February 4 through 11, 2008. The main trainer was Mrs. Khaleda Jaafar of the International Negotiation Institute (INI). The main topics discussed were strategic planning, sound governance, non-dues income and public relations
Yemen - CIPE partner, the Yemeni Polling Center held a 3-day training workshop in Sana’a on February 9 through 11, 2008. The workshop was titled “Building Survey Capacities” and targeted members of business associations and chambers of commerce. The workshop sought to provide business associations and chambers of commerce with basic survey and polling tools in order to better assess the needs of their members. The workshop was conducted by Mr. Hafez Al Bukari, who has had extensive experience with polling. Also, Dr. Sullivan, CIPE executive director conducted a session on the importance of polls and polling methods. The workshop was also attended by Mr. Alkebsi, CIPE’s senior program officer for Middle East and North Africa.
Tunisia – CIPE partner, the Institute Arab des Chiefs des Enterprise (IACE) held a meeting of their corporate governance advisory council to consider plans for the new program sponsored by the Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI), CIPE Executive Director John Sullivan, Senior Program Officer Abdulwahab Alkebsi, and Program Officers Danya Greenfield and Shirin Sahani all participated in the program. A focus group meeting was held the following day with key IACE members and others.