On May, 26th within the limits of project realisation on civil education of youth «the Minsk change: Leader-2008» at office PA MCAEE " about Minsk of street Serafimovich, 11 islands 104 the meeting with students of capital high schools with the assistance of the chief of department on affairs of youth of Minsk Executive Committee V.P.Brel, Chairman PA MCAEE of V.N.Karyagin, a member of the Union, the head of scientific division of scientific research institute of Economy in Ministry of Economics RB K.G.Kolomijts


The project is developed by department on affairs of youth of Minsk Executive Committee. Scientifically-methodical support of the project is carried out by management Academy at the President of Byelorussia. During a meeting students have told about the participation in working out of projects in the basic directions of development of a city: architecture and building, the finance and taxes, housing and communal services, formation, public health services, culture, public order protection, economy, trade, social protection, information-ideological work, sports and tourism, and also designing of development of areas of a city of Minsk.

The project assumes participation of students of capital higher education establishments in working out of some youth projects in the basic directions of development of a city: architecture and building, the finance and taxes, housing and communal services, formation, public health services, culture, public order protection, economy, trade, social protection, information-ideological work, sports and tourism, and also designing of development of areas of a city of Minsk.