On July, 8-11th, Minsk

   From July, 8 till July, 11th in Minsk will take place session of Business Council and Program Trading Delegation under the guidance of the State minister of Turkish Republic Mr. Kjurshada Tjuzmena, who is responsible for foreign trade. Within the framework of action will take place negotiations between businessmen of Belarus and Turkey. Welcome to participation.






On July, 8-11th, Minsk


   From July, 8 till July, 11th in Minsk will take place session of Business Council and Program Trading Delegation under the guidance of the State minister of Turkish Republic Mr. Kjurshada Tjuzmena, who is responsible for foreign trade. Within the framework of action will take place negotiations between businessmen of Belarus and Turkey. Welcome to participation.


To download the form of the participant of session here. 


The trading delegation will be presented by following branches:



- The foodstuffs,


- Ready-to-wear clothes and textiles,


- Building materials


- Home appliances,


- Mechanical vehicles,


- The equipment and completing,


- The electric equipment,


- Furniture,


- Footwear,


- Leather goods .




To the enterprises, wishing to take part in negotiations with Turkish firms within the framework of action, it is necessary to fill the form (it is applied) and to communicate with the Expert of Office of the Trading Adviser at Embassy of Turkish Republic in RB, Jury Svechnikov by phones and/or e-mail:


Phone /  fax (17 200 39 77


Mob. Phone (+375 29 6 888 393 / 8 773 285


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