MUEE – 15

May 24, 2012 in the town hall was held VIII General Assembly of the report-back election of PA “Minsk Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers”. In accordance with the Charter, the Assembly - is the supreme body of association, which meets at least once every three years.

Members of Business Association heard and discussed the report "Results of the Union for the period from 22 May to 24 May 2009 - 2012 and the prospects of its activities until 2015". Report of the Auditing Commission of the outcome of the financial activities of the Union for the above period, conducted election of the president, members of the Council, the Auditing Commission, and outlined 12 priority areas for the next three years.

The results of Business Association unanimously found to be satisfactory. Vladimir Karyagin was elected as a Chairman of Public Association "MUEE" until 2018. The Council was elected for the next three years and included 59 people. During the Assembly were elected 12 members of the Presidium and 16 vice-chairmen of the Union.

The current Assembly of the Union was held in the year of its 15th anniversary. History of the Union began in 1997 when the city of Minsk celebrated 930 anniversary. In honor of the official date Business Support Center "Center XXI Century" initiated a major exhibition with the participation of enterprises of Minsk. During the exhibition, it was noted that Minsk - the center of the Commonwealth of Independent States. And it must be positioned as one of the most successful developing world capitals. These arguments became the impetus for the creation of a public association "Minsk Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers". August 1, 1997 the Justice Department of the Minsk city executive committee has registered capital of business alliance, allowing the use of the word in its name "Minsk".

The emblem of the Union have three mutually intersecting rings, joined by the letter C. This represents the triple alliance: business, government and society. 15 years ago, the Union has set a global goal: performing work on improving the business climate, strengthen cooperation between business, government and society. From the earliest days of its inception, the Union worked hard to improve the legislation regulating the development of entrepreneurship. Beginning in 2005, this work is carried out under the auspices of the "Belarus National Business Platform". The initiator of the Platform was Minsk Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers. His initiative was supported by the leading business association of the Brest, Vitebsk, Grodno, Mogilev and Gomel regions. The platform provided the impetus for the creation of the Association of Legal Entities "Belarusian Confederation of Entrepreneurship".

Public Association "Minsk Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers" - one of the most numerous and active business associations in the Republic of Belarus. The distinctive features of the organization - the mood for tripartism, social partnership, cooperation and just a friendly support. Entrepreneurs, executives and founders of partner companies that entered the Union, rejected contemplation, passivity and dependency. Here, the philosophy of active economic optimism. Members of the organization are focused on how to add and multiply, not divide and subtract. Reviving the tradition of a legal, honest business, the Union opposes weakness, passivity, depression and dissociation of a clear organization for success.

Membership in the Union gives an impetus to the development of their own business, and the ability to implement activities that individually address inappropriate and impossible. The Union provides its members with relevant information online, protecting the rights of entrepreneurs, represents their interests in government and management, regulatory and judicial bodies.

The Union has a number of programs, taking part in which the founders and CEOs, entrepreneurs are able to implement the strategy and tactics to develop your own business. Working committees. Their goal is to have a positive impact on the business climate of the country. By participating in this study, the entrepreneurs of Belarus have become the creators of the infrastructure development of entrepreneurship, co-authors of a new business culture, corporate social responsibility and business ethics.

Together to discuss and resolve problems in developing their own business and the business climate of the country members of the Union was formed club system: Club Directors, the Club of Accountants, International Trading Club, Business Women's Club, the Club of alternative energy, Slovenian- Belarusian business club. Many members of the Union involved in the Rotary movement, as members of the Rotary Club "Minsk" and "Minsk-City".

Fifteen years ago, when determining the corporate colors of the Union was chosen orange: because it symbolizes the energy, commitment, creativity. And it is precisely those qualities which are characterized by leadership, the executive staff of the Union, and, of course, its members. Taking an active socio-economic position, they do not get bored either themselves or others, organizing the activities of credit unions, clusters, producing a newspaper, creating a fund, conducting conferences, seminars, round tables, competitions, master classes and workshops, Sunday school SIC Mises AC "Strategy", the scientific and practical conferences, meetings with journalists, bank conferences, trips abroad to attend international trade fairs, visits of delegations to the annual economic forum in Polish Krynica-Zdroj.

Poznan, Bialystok, Byala Podlaska (Poland), Karlsruhe, Munich, Berlin (Germany), Brussels (Belgium), Vilnius (Lithuania), Moscow (Russia), as well as cities in France and Sweden - are only part of addresses, which are regularly travel managers and founders of the partner companies in the delegation of "MUEE". Work on the development of international relations coordinates the partnership venture of the Union - Business Support Center "Center XXI Century", which since 2002 acts on the territory of Belarus as the Information Office of the Polish exhibition "Poznan International Fair", helping to Belarusian economic entities in the organization of business visits and exhibitions Fairs in Poznan.

"Minsk Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers" - an organization of leaders aimed at leadership in society. "When we have a lot - we are strong. As such, we are interested in the social partners - government and employees "- are convinced members of the Union. That is why the Union welcomes into its ranks all those who took an active social and economic position, cares about his future and the future of the domestic economy, business, the welfare and prosperity of his native Belarus.


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