baradulya WE WON AGAINIn continuation of MCAEE Legal department good tradition we started New Year with winning an action. On the 5th January, 2009, Head of MCAEE Legal department, «Femida» laureate winner Vadim Borodulya advocated Supreme Economic Court interests of MCAEE partner enterprise «Binforce» JSC.

One of the most important direction of our activity is the Advocacy – work directs on the advocating and representing of Entrepreneurs interests.

In particular, within the framework of Advocacy it carried out concrete actions for MCAEE and partner organizations support:

- Legal consultations

- Assistance in collecting

- Assistance in fitting case claimants (petitions and claimants)


This work direction is headed by the Legal department of MCAEE in common and «Femida» laureate winner Vadim Borodulya in particular. In 2008 MCAEE members got 495 consultations, fit 29 petitions and claimants, 10 cassations and appellate appeals, 283 case of completing necessary legal documentation, direct 29 requests in different departments, which were influenced on Court decisions, 25 statements of actions. V. Borodulya represented MCAEE members interests in 39 Court cases. Among them: 26 – won, 11 – in condition of Court examination. 

Face-to-face consultation for heads of enterprises, entrepreneurs


Assistance in searching of necessary legal documents


Assistance in completing of petitions and appellate appeals


Assistance in completing statements of actions


Requests in different departments


MCAEE members interests representations