Business trip to Vitebsk
On February, 11 The chairman of “MUEE”, The chairman of RCE presidium Vladimir Karyagin, RCE project coordinator Nina Karpinchik, The head of partner enterprise of “Alprom” company Viktor Borisenko made a business trip to Vitebsk. The delegation participated in international exhibition-conference “Energy saving technologies, equipment and materials”, that was organized by partner enterprise of Union “Center of entrepreneurship and marketing help” under a management of Ludmila Prokofieva.
During the meeting with Council members of “Association of employers and entrepreneurs in Vitebsk region” were received the remarks and proposals to the text of Belarusian national business platform-2009, discussed the organizational questions about Republican business assembly. During the visit to correctional facility of open type № 9 in Vitebsk is planned to present legal and economical library. As a member of facility staff noticed, major A. Kozlow, books, magazines and newspapers will be claimed, that is why the site visitors can participate in library making. Contact phone number for those, who want to join to charitable action: 8(017)298-24-34.