“Overcoming a crisis through entrepreneurship development – no other alternative!“

The participants of  Republican business community assembly, recognizing the necessity of:


- Active assistance to current economic reforms that aimed to overcoming a crisis, economic liberalization, saving of the reached level of production, saving in current conditions the previous level of country’s economy and stimulation of citizen and subjects of managing economical initiative.


- Development  of small, medium and large business, business environment and climate.


The assembly participants decided:


1. To assume as a basis represented at the assembly “Belarusian national business platform -2009 draft”.

2. It is recommended to send their representatives in a structure of The editorial commission and Coordination council on advance of “Belarusian national business platform - 2009” to all unions of producers and entrepreneurs who support the idea of annual development of Belarusian national business platform drafts.

3. For The editorial commission together with The coordination council on advance of “Belarusian national business platform -2009” to analyze the proposals and remarks that were brought during the draft discussion, finish the work on draft and publish the edited variant of  “Belarusian national business platform -2009” till march, 31 2009 and publish it on web-sites http://allminsk.biz, http://bel.biz etc.

4. The assembly participants address the government and management leaders of Belarus with a proposal to consider mentioned in  “Belarusian national business platform - 2009” offers of business community during plans, programs and legal acts development  that are aimed to overcoming of world economic crisis consequences, economy liberalization and maintenance of competitiveness of domestic subjects of managing.

5. Assembly participants call all republican and regional unions of producers and entrepreneurs to active participation in advancement  of “Belarusian national business platform -2009” by individual plans and in coordination with other unions.


Aiming the forcing of business community potential in dialog between business and government the assembly participants call all entrepreneurs, leaders and enterprises founders in Republic Belarus to join the country’ business associations.