Partners meeting in St.-Petersburg

On March, 12th delegation of PA "MCAEE" under the invitation of Administration of St.-Petersburg has taken part in Partners meeting work in «St.-Petersburg - regions of Russia. Interaction and cooperation directions» which has taken place in St.-Petersburg expocentre "Lenexpo".

Program of Partners meeting provides branch seminars, presentations of innovative projects, thematic round tables and master classes on which questions on realisation of innovative projects of the enterprises, for development technological clastrers and industrial cooperation in such areas as motor industry, electronics, shipbuilding, building and development, manufacture of plastic and rubber, metallurgy,  energy mechanical engeneering and small powerare considered.

    During meeting of heads of the regional centres of subcontracting the report of chairman of PA «MCAEE», chairman  of "Union of legal bodies Rupublican confederation of enterpreneirship" Vladimir Karjagin about a condition of a business climate of Belarus, about activity of the Belarus business community on development and advancement of the National platform of business in Belarus has sounded. At session of CCI subcommittee of the Russian Federation on subcontracting and klaster technologies the member of PA "MCAEE", the head of the partner Association enterprise  "Electrosantehmontash" Anatoly Snitko and the financial director of this enterprise Zoya Mihnjuk have acted.