Belarusian national business platform-2009 directed to all Ministries and departments, local authorities, Parliament, Administration of President of Belarus. As you know, in its text 145 questions stated, that could improve business-climate of republic.
It is clear, that number of problems of small and medium business is not limited by this number of questions, because every question unites number of problems. Value of Platform lays not only in marking of trouble zones of Belarusian entrepreneurship, but also in suggesting the ways of their liquidation. Coordination council of BNBP is pleased to those, who continue to send competent ideas and offers, directed to development and advancement of Platform. The more co-authors Platform has, the higher is speed of its influence to legislative base, that regulate development of entrepreneurship. We wait for your letters to e-mail addresses: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript., 11, Serafimovicha, r. 104, Minsk, tel. /fax 298-24-38