With the report about results of PA “MCAEE” work for the period of 2006-2009 and prospects of Association activity till 2012 acted Vladimir Karyagin, chairman of “MCAEE”. For 3 years enormous work was made on stabilization and optimization of situation, that developed in a sphere of small and medium business in our country.
Also was mentioned, that Association work has international character. Vladimir Karyagin mentioned events, that were held by Association, directed to support of directors, bookkeepers of enterprises such as consultations, round tables, conferences, sessions.
In the relation of legal activity of Association was mentioned its active work in courts, where have been won 65 of 88 procedures.
However Vladimir Karyagin noted that in cooperation with government bodies not always mutual platform can be found. He also criticized the credit programs of banks for small and medium enterprises. In reporter’s opinion , Belarus has a real lack of recourses for normal development of business. In this connection was stated hope that governing bodies will finance and support businessmen undertakings. Goals of Association remain the same – to make the most comfortable conditions for work in a sphere of small and medium business.
Among the reporters: V. Margelov (the first Vice-chairman of PA “MCAEE”), G. Iliaschuk (director of “Centre 21 century”), A. Kalinin (Chairman of Belarusian association of entrepreneurs), P. Laishev (Chairman of International trading-club), A. Kalinovsky (Vice-chairman of economic committee, Chief of entrepreneurship Department of Minsk city executive committee), A. Glambotskaya (Institute of privatization and management), L. Istomina (head of UNDP program in Belarus).