On May, 27
th the office of PA “MCAEE”
visited delegation from Montenegro: Deputy minister of economic development of
Montenegro Nada Medenitsa, Ambassador of Montenegro in Belarus Jelko
Radulochiv, town governor of a community Ultsin Gzim Haidinaga, adviser of
Ministry of Economy Velko Vrbitsa, secretary of town governor of a community
Ultsin Arslan Haidinaga. Minsk capital association of entrepreneurs and
employers presented Vice-chairman Liliya Koval, director of “Matep” Co. Ludmila
Machulskaya, director of “Binfors” Co. Ludmila Dvoryaninova, deputy director of
“Binfors” Co. Andrey Kuchinsky, deputy director of “Olirty” Co. Elena Dudko.
During of conversation was achieved the arrangement on agreement undertaking on
business partnership between Minsk capital association of entrepreneurs and
employers and Association of entrepreneurs of Montenegro.