16thBelarus-Poland economic forum “Dobrososedstvo”

October 8, 2012 was held 16thBelarus-Poland economic forum “Dobrososedstvo”: “Energetics, agriculture and finances as the main sources of Belarus – Poland economic cooperation development”. The aim of the forum was to activate bilateral trade and economic cooperation and development of cooperative connections in energetic and agricultural sections of economy.

Traditionally forum was visited by entrepreneurs from Belarus and Poland, members of branch and business associations, representatives of Ministry of economy and Ministry of finances, Chambers of commerce and industry of both countries. Their opinions on the prospects and possibilities of cooperation in sphere of energetics and agriculture expressed the first deputy minister of economy of Poland Mechislav Kaspshak, the head of trade and investments support department of Poland embassy Veslav Pokladek, the first deputy minister of agriculture and provisions of Belarus Leonid Marinich. The reports on possibilities of trade cooperation between Poland and Belarus were made by ambassador of Poland in Belarus Leshek Sherepko, ambassador of Belarus in Poland Viktor Gaisenok. The first vice-chairman of MUEE Viktor Margelov made offer to organizers and participants of forum to found Belarus – Poland community of entrepreneurs who could be united around trade representatives of Poland in Belarus and Belarus in Poland.