We congratulate you with The Day of revival of Belarusian entrepreneurship!

icon We congratulate you with The Day of revival of Belarusian entrepreneurship!Dear friends, we congratulate you with The Day of revival of Belarusian entrepreneurship! We wish optimism and believe in your power to accompany you in all your beginnings and also realization of all your plans, success in business development, realization of new plans!


Dear friends, we congratulate you with The Day of revival of Belarusian entrepreneurship! We wish optimism and believe in your power to accompany you in all your beginnings and also realization of all your plans, success in business development, realization of new plans!

16 years ago representatives of Belarusian business-community addressed the chairman of Supreme body of Belarus Vyacheslav Shushkevich with the offer to state celebration date, devoted to the day of Entrepreneurship revival. It was time when most active in social plan citizens of Belarus started their own business, create enterprises, trying not only to provide their own and their families well – being but also to bring the contribution to formation of economy of the young Belarus state. Heads of Supreme body agreed. The last thing was to identify exact date in calendar. Association of entrepreneurs and tenants under management of professor Kunavsky offered to celebrate this day on June, 26th, Belarusian association of entrepreneurs on June, 15th. But while the date was identifying, in contry’s governance happened personnel shifts. New leaders did not realize the offer from business-association. That is why official calendar stayed without changes. However entrepreneurs did not want to leave their idea and now, for 16 years in a day, when summer starts to grow – on June, 15th celebrate The Day of entrepreneurship revival.


Traditionally in the beginning of June starts the decade of business activity, during which entrepreneurs hold different sessions, that attract attention to the problems of small and medium business. Nowadays, on June,11th, took place republic-wide phone press-conference, that was organized by PA “MCAEE” and ALE “RCE”, edition of newspaper “Komsomolskaya pravda”. On June, 12th-14th in Molodechno took place Round tables on problems of business-climate, in which participated entrepreneurs of Molodechno, Minsk, Borisov, Lithuania, Yemen. Today, at 16.00 will be held online briefing, during which to Belarusian mass media will be provided information about participation of business-community in work on law draft “About modification and additions in Code of Belarus about administrative offences”.


Dear friends, we wish you success in development of business for the blessing of native Belarus!