Conference “Alternative energetics and energy saving: private and state partnership”

On October, 13th – 16th 2009 in frameworks of XIV Belarusian energetic forum will be held the 1st International science and practice conference “Alternative energetics and energy saving: private and state partnership”. Its organizers are PA “Minsk capital association of entrepreneurs and employers”, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of natural resources and environmental protection, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Ministry of Industry, “Belenergo”, Department of energy efficiency of State standardization committee, State committee of science and technologies, National science academy of Belarus, Minsk city executive committee, “Techniques and communications” CJSC, technological park of BNTU ”Metolit”.  

The aims of conference are:

- To inform about world knowledge and also problems and prospects of private and state partnership in a sphere of alternative energetics and energy saving development in Belarus;

- Discussion of the most optimal for conditions of world economic crisis variants of mechanism and instruments of discount investment development, foundation of fair tax and credit environment, perfection of legal supporting and development of market in segment of alternative energetics and energy saving ;

- Presentation of pilot commercial and investment projects of Belarusian and foreign entrepreneurs that are planned to be realized in Belarus;

- Foundation of “International business club of alternative energetics development” – consultation council that supports development of alternative energetics market in Belarus.

The representatives of state administration, domestic and foreign business, science and research organizations will make their reports.

We plan to hold cooperation exchange and round tables.

In case of your interest in work and preparation of conference tell us about it by phone: (+375 29) 263 31 46. Registration on web site: will start from August, 20th 2009.




October, 15th, 2009, 10.00 – 16.00

Place of holding: hotel “Europe” (28, Internatsionalnaya str., Minsk),

conference hall, 7th floor.



1. Under consideration

2. Vladimir Karyagin – Chairman of PA “MCAEE”

3. Sergei Yenin – Executive director of PA “Informational company”


9.30 – 10.00 Registration of participants

10.00 – 10.20 Program of alternative energetic and energy saving in housing sector of Republic Belarus – Leonid Shenets, Director of Department on energy-efficiency of State committee on standardization of Belarus

10.20 – 10.40 System of state governing of energy-efficiency in housing economy and usage of renewable energy sources: knowledge of German energy agency (DENA) – the reporter is under consideration.

10.40 – 11.10 Programs of IFC on crediting of private business in sphere of alternative energetic and energy saving – Maxim Titov, head of IFC program on energy saving in Russian Federation

11.10 – 11.20 Legal base of alternative energy development and energy saving: knowledge of European Union – Alexander Lissem, degreed specialist on state governing, BNT partner

11.20 – 11.30 Possibilities of qualification increase in sphere of creation and usage of energy efficient technologies – Mihael Kless, head of information bureau of German service of academic exchanges (DAAD)

11.30 – 11.40 Improvement of mechanisms of attraction of private capital in projects on alternative energetics and energy saving – Konstantin Kolomiets, head of financial sector of science and research economic institute of Ministry of Economy of Belarus.

11.40 – 12.00 Café break



12.00 – 12.10 Sorbate thermal pump – alternative of hydrocarbon fuel usage – Leonard Vasiliev, NSA of Belarus

12.10 – 12.20 Participation of private business in projects of Belarusian alternative (small) energetics and energy saving – Vladimir Sivuho, Director of “Electronics and diagnostics”, PJUE

12.20 – 12.30 Usage of water and solar energy – prospect way of alternative energetics and energy saving development in rural area – Eduard Voitehovich, consultant of “Komarovo” Center of rural entrepreneurship development

12.30 – 12.40 reporter is under consideration

12.40 – 12.50 reporter is under consideration

12.50 – 13.00 reporter is under consideration



13.00 – 13.10 Energetically independent house – myth or reality? – Evgeni Shirokov, Vice-president of Belarusian branch of International academy of ecology

13.10 – 13.20 Belarusian energy-efficient house – 2010 in European style – Vladimir Malets, Deputy minister of architecture and building

13.20 – 13.30 Concept of energy saving during capital repair of houses in conditions of price increase for hydrocarbon fuel – Sergei Sushko, Deputy minister of housing and public utilities

13.30 – 13.40 Belarusian energy-efficient house: knowledge of projecting and building – Halina Bokun, Deputy director general on technologies of “SARMAT” Ltd.

13.40 – 13.50 Energy-efficiency of buildings: possibilities of equipment SIEMENS – Viktor Godun, head of department of SIEMENS JSC Representation in Belarus.

13.50 – 14.00 Summing of plenary session 

14.00 – 15.00 Lunch

Round table “Belarusian energy-efficient house-2010”

Place of holding: conference hall of “Europe” hotel, 7th floor

15.00 – 15.45


Vladimir Malets -  Deputy minister of architecture and building

Sergei Sushko -  Deputy minister of housing and public utilities

Konstantin Kolomiets – member of Supreme Council of PA “Minsk capital association of entrepreneurs and employers”

Evgeni Shirokov - Vice-president of Belarusian branch of International academy of ecology

Mass media representative (under consideration)

16.15 – departure of conference participants to Molodechno for review of private enterprises work that work in a sphere of small energetic and energy saving


Place of holding: Molodechno

18.00 – 19.00


Vladimir Sivuho -  Director of “Electronics and diagnostics”, PJUE

Vladimir Chaevsky – Director of electronic and mechanical plant of Molodechno

Alexander Timofeenko – Director of “Specter-service”, Ltd.

Mass media representative (under consideration)

19.00 Drink reception

20.00 Arrival of conference participants to Minsk