Seminar for individual businessmen

On November, 3rd the seminar for individual businessmen «About the created conditions for ИП, realising goods of the Belarus enterprises-manufacturers outside of РБ», organised «The Minsk Capital Assosiation of Entrepreneurs and Employers» has taken place with support of the Minsk regional executive committee. Experts of the ministries and departments have answered all interesting questions of individual entrepreneurs.


The seminar program «About the created conditions for the individual entrepreneurs realising the goods of the Belarus enterprises-manufacturers outside of Belarus»»
On November, 3rd, 2009

Minsk, Tchkalov's 5 street, conference hall


Seminar opening:
Kalinovsky Alexander Aleksandrovich – the vice-president of Committee of economy, the head of department of business of the Minsk urban executive committee

Iljukevich Irina Viktorovna - the head of department on business of the Minsk regional executive committee
1. New possibilities for business development through export of the Belarus goods
The lecturer:
Margelov Victor Egorovich – the First vice-chairman «The Minsk Capital Assosiation of Entrepreneurs and Employers», chairman  «Republican confederation of entrepreneurs»

2. Features of customs registration and statistical regulation of the Belarus goods exported individual entrepreneurs;
The lecturer:
Goshko Sergey Mihajlovich – the deputy chief of a department of the organisation of customs registration and customs treatments of the Minsk regional customs

3. The taxation. Payment of the uniform trading tax, declaring individual entrepreneurs of incomes and property;
The lecturer:
Putrik Tatyana Leonidovna – the chief inspector of the Ministry of Taxes and Tax Collection of Belarus

4. New in the legislation on accounts individual entrepreneurs by cash money resources;
The lecturer:
Kudrevich Tatyana Valerevna – the deputy chief of department – the chief of department of monetary circulation of the National bank of Belarus