Dear friends!
We hold the next reporting election V General Assembly on May, 24. According to the Statute it is the supreme body of our public association “Minsk Capital Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers” that gather not rarely than once in three years. During our congress we analyse what we have reached, define our tactic and strategic activity in increasing business climate in Belarus, make plans of our further participation in development of capital and Belarusian entrepreneurship, make organizational decisions according to the Belarusian legislation that is increasing rapidly.
Our association has been proven its significance to entrepreneurs, civil society and government during ten years of active participation in business life of the country. During three years - reporting period- the Association has been grown as an organization and widened the directions of its activity. We act following the principle of “maximum profitability: develop personal contacts and professional communication of founders, heads of enterprises, entrepreneurs; assist in holding different forms of business communication between them; provide them with actual information; protect their rights and present their interests in state bodies; implement activity that it is impossible to be done by entrepreneurs separately. We do not replace business - we render assistance to people who develop it.
Professional and public trend of our activity, its humanistic tendency let us to form a specific friendly environment. The mood of triple system, social partnership, cooperation and simply friendly support and motives becomes apparent in all our meetings brightly: on sittings of Capital Business Clubs - of directors, accountants, business women, Creditors` Club, International Trading Club, Rotary Club, in our mutual lending societies, different committees and commissions, on conferences, training workshops, round tables, exhibitions, fairs, business missions - no matter where they are held: in Belarus or abroad.
Not long ago we celebrated the 20th anniversary of Belarusian entrepreneurship. For twenty years many members of our Association and partnership enterprises have brought a significant impact to the economy and civil life of our country. In fact they have become not only creators of infrastructure of entrepreneurship development, but also co-authors of a new business culture, social responsibility of business, business ethics and business activity in Minsk and regions of Belarus. They are a positive example, create a positive tune in business life of the country. They form the image of Belarus and maintain our national identity by their every day activity. We are not one-day persons of narrow interests! We are aimed at development of our own business and growth of its capital intensity but also at interacting with authorities and society steadily and effectively. In order to make this interaction dynamic and open as much as possible, the project on the National Business Agenda of Belarus. We developed it together with Research Mises Centre of AC “Strategy”, Research Centre of IPM by a close communication with regional business associations of Brest, Grodno, Gomel, Vitebsk, Mogilyov. We offered to join the Agenda to all associations of industrials and entrepreneurs of Belarus. As the result Belarusian entrepreneurs became the real co-authors of the Agenda as we planned. The project presupposes our fight for priority reforms and progressive changes in such spheres as property rights protection and development of free-market institutes, taxes and tax administration, licensing and permission system, check-ups, fines, penalties, registration and liquidation, access to information and transparence of the state. The project offered mechanisms and tools of presentation and protection of interests of Belarusian business. It is extremely important and necessary to secure irreversibility of holding of economic reforms, property guaranties, lives and activity of entrepreneurs and other members of the society, achievements of sustainable economic growth of Belarus. Any business association, business community, any entrepreneur concerned, manager, researcher, university teacher and even a student may participate in the Agenda implementation. Our mutual perspectives are clearly identified: the Agenda implementation, optimization of business climate and strengthening of business environment in Belarus. For this, every business association should intensify its activity in forming its own culture - numerous, active and effective. Together we must create national business association of entrepreneurs that will be representative, influential, sensitive to problems of entrepreneurship, capable to hold an effective dialogue with authority and society that have its active supporters in every settlement of the country.
We are eager to gain understanding among the authorities, public support, create optimistic and objective mood of media, intensify our activity in making the Capital region economically effective, comfortable for life and professional activity and to bring our impact in development of entrepreneurship and regional infrastructure of Belarus. By development of entrepreneurial activity and self-organisation we aim our work at taking into account interests of consumers. In this we see our role in development of independent Belarusian state, democracy and civil society.
We invite founders, heads of enterprises, entrepreneurs to join our Association and participate in positive changes of business climate and business environment. Please take part in our programs because because it's in your own self-interest. As the President and CEO of US Chamber of Commerce and Trade Thomas J. Donohue “Treat it like any other investment of your time - something that will advance your business and pay dividends now or in the future, or both. Think of it as an investment”. PA “Minsk Capital Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers” has lots of strategic partners in Belarus and abroad. Guided by our own initiative and partnership support we will in future take an active position in development of entrepreneurship and promotion of economic initiative of Belarusian citizens.
Let me tender thanks to all entrepreneurs, researchers, experts, staff members of governmental and non-governmental agencies, international organizations for their assistance in implementation of our statutory aims and tasks. We hope for your further support and encouragement of our intensive activity, development of effective interaction of business, authority and society!
I wish you, dear friends, success in economic and public activity, full implementation of your own initiatives and business ideas, optimism, health and prosperity!
Yours sincerely, MCAEE President Vladimir Karyagin