November, 25th was held the 3rd General Assembly of
Association of legal entities “Republican confederation of entrepreneurship”.
During the assembly was announcer the report about work of ALE “RCE” for years
2007 – 2009, received the program for 2010 – 2012, were held elections to Supreme
coordinative board. As a Chairman of Presidium was re-elected Vladimir
The most priority direction of ALE “RCE” activity for the next three years as previously is improvement of business climate and business environment in Belarus. The ways to achieve this aim:
- Annual preparing and advancement of Belarusian national business platform;
- Active participation in solving of regional entrepreneurs’ problems, including them into BNBP;
- Expansion of business community experts net and improvement of their activity coordination. Creation of integrated Republican net of experts at ALE “RCE”;
- Provision of representation and constructive activity in public and consultative councils and working groups, created by the governing bodies at the republican and local levels;
- Strengthening of cooperation with representations, missions of international economic and expert organizations (IFC, WB, EBRD, EC, IMF, UN, CIS etc.), analytical centers in Belarus and abroad on affairs of state of business environment study, business climate in Belarus and its investment attractiveness and competitiveness of national economy;
- Support of working contracts with comradely and partner business-associations of EU, USA, CIS etc. with the aim of reception of knowledge and informational resources on mechanisms and institutions of business climate development and business environment in different countries.
The most important directions of ALE “RCE” is formation of positive image of entrepreneurship of Belarus, participation in process of development of citizen society in Belarus.
In opinion of assembly participants, to achieve output, it is necessary to strengthening the potential of business associations, service enterprises and infrastructure of entrepreneurship support. This will be achieved by systematization of cooperation with governing bodies, and also by development of connections and cooperation with other associations of entrepreneurs and industrials in different directions of mutual interests and through assistance to development of business of members of regional business associations and ALE “RCE”. Serious role is left to formation of business programs and projects of ALE “RCE”, and also to creation of stable business net of ALE “RCE”.