Nine participants told that visited web-site of MUEE (www.allminsk.biz) and were interested how to open business. Representatives of Klichev district executive committee has intension to win in nomination of contest “The best city (district) and region for doing business in Belarus” and start cooperation with BCE on training seminars and business clubs for local entrepreneurs. That is why at seminar presented chairman of Klichev district executive committee Frantishek Voschilo, chief of economy department at Klichev district executive committee Natalia Burlakova, chief of educational department at Klichev district executive committee Irina Hodanovich. Topic of seminar was: “Problems and prospects of entrepreneurship development in Belarus and Klichev district.Role of young leaders in Belarusian economy development”. Vladimir Karyagin was moderator of seminar. He opened the seminar by the report on topic: “Problems and prospects of entrepreneurship development in Belarus”. He analyzed the state of business climate in country, legal conditions of business opening and development, problems of competitiveness of Belarusian business in conditions of Common economic space, possibilities for youth entrepreneurship, process of dialogue between business and authority, role of business – associations in advocacy. He presented NBP-2012, mechanisms and results of Platform ideas and offers, evaluation of Index of business optimism, preparation of contest “The best city (district) and region for doing business in Belarus”. Reports were also made by: 1) Vice-chairman of Republican association of consumer cooperatives of financial mutual aid, vice –chairman of MUEE Ivan Gordievski on topic “Cooperatives of financial mutual aid – instrument for financial literacy and business start”; 2) Initiator of Club of young entrepreneurs foundation, resident of High technologies park Vladimir Yankovich on topic “Youth entrepreneurship, new possibilities. Service for entrepreneurs. Assistant for online-bookkeeping”; 3) Vice – chairman of MUEE Lilia Koval on topic “Development of women entrepreneurship in Belarus”. Ivan Gordievski and Vladimir Yankovich shared with participants also their positive experience of business and answered to the questions of participants. Participants were not so active with their reports, but asked many questions to reporters. Among the most current problems for audience were marked: 1) possibilities of personal business opening in small cities and rural area and state support of youth entrepreneurship 2) prospects of rural tourism in Belarus 3) possibilities of higher education in entrepreneurship and further employment in business, including firms in Minsk 4) Taxation and prospects of its simplification 5) Role of customs union between Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan in development of Belarusian business 6) possibilities for youth to participate in cooperatives of financial mutual aid 7) Access of young entrepreneurs to financial and credit resources 8) consultation support for young entrepreneurs. Participants were interested in changes that were made in Presidential Directive #6 and told about preoccupation by new rules of transport purchase for entrepreneurs from small towns and rural area. They also told about their willingness to visit such seminars for regional youth in future. Participants received texts of NBP-2013, information about implementation of Platform offers, perfection of business climate in Belarus, newspaper “Souz predprinimatelei”.