"Steps of success 2010"

lestnica "Steps of success 2010"On April, 17th opened Republican economy and entrepreneurship festival for youth “Steps of success” that has been held in Minsk state youth palace.


The purpose of festival was:

- Promotion of civilized entrepreneurship among youth,

- Development of social partnership,

- Attraction of public attention to development of youth business-education.


lestnica "Steps of success 2010"lestnica2 "Steps of success 2010"Organizers of festival were Ministry of education of Belarus, Minsk state youth palace, PA “Center of support and development of youth entrepreneurship”. He aid was rendered by Department of entrepreneurship of Minsk city executive committee, Global compact of UN in Belarus, ALE “Republican confederation of entrepreneurship” and PA “MCAEE” who intend to support such events. It was visited by chairman of ALE “Republican confederation of entrepreneurship” Vladimir Karyagin and employees of Confederation Nikolai Slabeiko and Kirill Kirichenko. Vladimir Karyagin welcomed young entrepreneurs with Natalya Shappo, chairman of PA “Center of support and development of youth entrepreneurship”, gave recommendations in forthcoming competition and participated in it as a juror. On April, 18th the winners received prizes. Among them a book Belarus national business platform-2010, that was presented at the opening of festival, analytical books of Jaroslav Romanchuk and L. Zaiko, and other useful literature for young entrepreneurs.