On May, 26 the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus held a “hotline” for receiving offers from legal and physical entities how to make the taxing system more simple and to reduce the number of the current taxing payments. Offers are received by phone in
Minsk: 200-43-31 till
June, 30 2006. Representatives of the Ministry state that these offers will be analyzed and used in preparation of the Budget draft of the Republic of Belarus and drafts of legislative acts for improvement of the current taxing legislation. According to BelaPAN Agency the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexandr Lukashenko gave the task to reduce the number and decrease of taxes and dues tariffs “I`m not going to give any more tasks. I`m waiting for the concrete offers. The head of thecontry stated on May, 5 during a conference with a new staff of the Council of the Ministers. And he explained that it is impossible to make the budget incomes less.
MCAEE information partner “Glavny Buhgalter” (“Chief Accountant”) journal offers to discuss this topic on the journal’s pages The similar topics are regularly discussed in the sections “We are raising a problem”. “Experts` views”. The discussion of the actual issues with participation of a wide range of the readers on the “GB” will be done for the first time.
You are welcome to send your offers how to make the current legislation better to the editorial office: 11 Narochanskaya str. Minsk220020 or e-mail to: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript. fax + 37517 250-55-40 till June, 30 2006 (the time of the “hotline” activity in the Ministry of Finance). Concrete offers will be published on “Glavny Buhgalter” pages and sent to the Ministry of Finance.
Following the tradition our sute is also ready to publish your offers and send them to the Ministry of Finance of the Republicof Belarus. e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.