On November 20, 2013 concluding venue of the year in Belarusian franchising - practical conference “Business setting up and development. Franchising technology”. The conference was conducted in Minsk in the framework of Global Entrepreneurship Week in Belarus.
As the conference organizers acted Association of Franchisers and Franchisees “Belfranchising”, Council for Entrepreneurship Development in Belarus, Eastern Committee of German Economy.
The venue was opened by A. Kraevsky, the Chairman of Minsk City Executive Council Economy Commitee, E. Granovskaya, the Head of the Eastern Committee of German Economy project of the cooperation between Belarusian associations of industrialists and entrepreneurs, K. Kryukov, the Chief of Department of Entrepreneurship Administration of Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus.
In the beginning of the conference, the Madame Chair of the Association of Franchisers and Franchisees “Belfranchising” Olga Leontyeva narratd about franchising development, Belarusian companies’ achievements and problems they face when working according to franchising technology. Olga Leontyeva noted substantial growth of interest in franchising recently, as well as developing infrastructure and favourable conditions for franchising development in Belarus.
Vladimir Karyagin, the Presidium Chairman of the Republican Confederation of Entrepreneurship also noted franchising’s high potential for Belarusian economy development. On the conference the issues of franchising legislative regulation in Belarus, the possibilities of national and international franchising networks development in Belarus were considered. The head of international projects for franchising development of Lithuanian consulting company spoke about franchising in Lithuania and Baltic region, shared the experience of franchising projects development as well as the opportunities to closer get to know about up-to-date franchising tendencies in the region.
The international manager for franchising from Germany spoke on the opportunities of acquiring a franchise from European leader, shared the experience of franchise selling in Belarus. As Elena Granovskaya noted, “German companies are ready for the cooperation with Belarus and offer a number of interesting franchises for own business development on the post-Soviet space.”
The Head of MILAVITSA Franchising Division spoke on the subtleties of Belarusian franchising network moulding abroad, while the Deputy CEO for inner control and project management of the JV “HTC” narrated about franchising network building in Belarus.
In the conclusion Olga Leontyeva, the Madame Chair of the Association of Franchisers and Franchisees “Belfranchising”, thanked all speakers and conference participants and noted “The aim of our event is development and expanding of franchising utilisation spheres in the Republic, the increase of Belarusian enterprises efficiency and competitiveness, providing the practical information to the potential franchisers and franchisee.
The Association of Franchisers and Franchisees “Belfranchising” was registered on July 2, 2011. It is a non-commercial organization, a voluntary association of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, set up for the development and enhancement of franchising application sphere, as well as for representing and protecting the interests of the association members.
The Association of Franchisers and Franchisees “Belfranchising” represents more than 100 franchising proposals, renders aid and support for the potential franchisees, conducts events aimed on franchising popularisation, as well as creates the infrastructure for franchising markets with the help of partners (mass media, financing sources – investors, banks, patent attorneys, juridical firms, realtor companies and other companies).