Seminar on the issues of NBA in Sweden

On December 2-6, 2013 administration and members of the PA “MCAEE” and ALE “RCE” in the delegation of representatives of the Belarusian business community take part in a seminar on the development of NBA - National Business Agenda, held in Stockholm (Sweden). Seminar participants learn international experience in the field of advocacy. About the work on rights protection and representation of employers’ interests will inform the representatives of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprises and the Swedish Federation of Business Owners. On the history of the “National Business Platform of Belarus”, on the activities of the Belarusian business community on development, promotion and implementation of the Platform to foreign colleagues will tell Chairman of PA “MCAEE”, Presidium Chairman of ALE “RCE” Vladimir Karyagin, first vice- chairman of the PA “MCAEE” Co-Chairman of the ALE “RCE” Viktor Margelov, Vice Madame Chair of the Association Lily Koval, Head of the Association legal department Vadim Borodulya, members of the Working group on the “:NBPB” Alex Pepeljaev andAnton Garustovich.