XV Assembly of Business Circles of Belarus

 On March 5, 2014 XV Assembly of Business Circles of Belarus took place in Minsk. During the Assembly the Draft “National Business Platform. Free entrepreneurship – thriving country” was presented to public at large. The event was organized on the initiative of Association of Legal Entities “Republican Confederation of Entrepreneurship”, Public Association “Minsk Capital Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers”, Coordination Council on Elaboration, Development and Promotion of NBP, with the assistance of Council on Entrepreneurship Development of Republic of Belarus. The Assembly participants analysed priority directions in improving business climate in the country, discussed the ways of their implementation developed by the business community and proposed in the Draft Platform. In all, Draft NBP-2014 contains 92 complex proposals, aimed on creation of favourable conditions for doing private business in Belarus. Draft National Business Platfrom is unanimously assumed as a basis.