Vladimir Karyagin: "Decree №4 gives new impulse for entrepreneurial initiative"

Vladimir Karyagin Decree #4 gives new impulse for entrepreneurial initiative in Belarus. This was announced during conversation with correspondent of information agency BELTA chairman of Minsk capital association of entrepreneurs and employers (MCAEE) Vladimir Karyagin.

Vladimir KaryaginDecree #4 gives new impulse for entrepreneurial initiative in Belarus. This was announced during conversation with correspondent of information agency BELTA chairman of Minsk capital association of entrepreneurs and employers (MCAEE) .


Decree includes 9 parts that focused on abolition of barriers that face entrepreneurs. These parts are formed as conceptual systematic requirements to all state bodies and organizations, public associations and citizens of Belarus:


1. Assure further development of fair competition for entrepreneurs in spite of pattern of ownership.


2. Create conditions for free entrepreneurship


3. Liquidate odd administrative barriers in a process of cooperation between state authorities and legal entities, citizens.


4. Finish harmonization of taxation system of Belarus with acting in European countries.  Create special character for taxation legislation that will stimulate fair execution of tax obligations and business initiative.


5. Assign to control (supervisory) activity preventable character, move to preferential usage of preventive measures, directed to obviation of wrongdoings during conducting entrepreneurship.


6. Perfect infrastructure and system of finance of small entrepreneurship aiming activation  of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship support (legal, organizational and financial).


7. Exclude needless regulation of labor market.


8. Form a legal base that will stimulate mechanisms of public-private partnership development in Belarus.


9. Provide clear legal regulation and stability of legislation that regulates entrepreneurship.