Sitting of Industrial Subcontractation Development Council of Republican Centre of Industrial Subcon

A sitting of Industrial Subcontractation Development Council of Republican Centre of Industrial Subcontractation took place in the office of MCAEE – 11-104 Serafimovich str. Minsk.

The participants of the sitting:
- Mr. Anton Vavilov, PhD, Professor, Head of SDM School of BNTU, General Director of Belarusian Public Scientific Association of Creators of Technological Machines;
- Mr. Valery Crupnov, Candidate, Director of JV “NTC ENOTECH”;
- Mr. Vladimir Fomin, Director of JSC “Gydrotechservice”;
- Mr. Leonid Shur, Director of JSC “Vitebsk Centre of Support of Entrepreneurship”;
- Mr. Sergey Shkred, Deputy Director of Regional Centre of Industrial Subcontractation.


The following issues were viewed:

1. Participation of MCAEE, partnership enterprises and Republican Centre of Industrial Subcontractation (RCIS) in the events held by the Exhibition company “MinskExpo” (“Metall processing” (13-16.03.2007), “Welding and Cutting” (27-30.03.2007), “Powder metallurgy” (27-30.03.2007), “Protection against Corrosion” (27-30.03.2007).

2. Participation of MCAEE, partnership enterprises and Republican Centre of Industrial Subcontractation (RCIS) in the events held by the Exhibition company “ExpoForum” – “Belarusian Industrial Forum” (15-18.05.2007). Subcontractor stock exchange.

3. Holding of the Third Belarusian Conference for Industrial Subcontractation within the exhibitions events.

4. Creation of the Council of Chief Technologists and the Council of Chief  Power Engineers within the Regional Centre of Industrial Subcontractation.

5. Development of cooperation with the Baltic States.