The Capital Business Director’s Club meeting took place on August, 3. The meeting was devoted to the 9th anniversary of public assosiation “Minsk Capital Assosiation of Entrepreneurs and Employers”. The participants of CBDC, as well as its honorary members and guests met at the agrarian tourist complex belonging to the partnership concern AAR “The Moon Amulet”
At the meeting chairman of PA MCAEE Vladimir Nikolaevich Karyaghin, vice-chairman and director of ALR“Tridakta” Viktor Egorovich Marghelov, First Councilor of Polish Embassy in Republic of Belarus, manager of Commerce and Investment Assistance Department Anjey Shot, vice-chairman of International Affair Committee of Chamber of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus Anatoliy Viktorovich Krasutskiy, vice-chairman of economic committee, chief of Minsk Executive Committee business undertakings management Alexander Alexandrovich Kalinovskiy, director of ALR “Timpan” Vladimir Nikitovich Lugin spoke. In the speeches the participants analyzed the work of the assosiation on creating lawful, financial and organizational conditions for development of private initiative. Also the totals of activity of preparing and discussing “The National Platform of Business in Belarus” were aggerated. Pavel Chistyakov, a priest, the Candidate of Theology took part at the Capital Business Director’s Club Meeting too. The participants of the meeting deposited money for the Ascension Temple construction in Semkovo village.
First vice-chairman of PA MCAEE Marghelov Victor Egorovich. In presidium (left to right) First Councilor of Polish Embassy in Belarus, the manager of Commerce and Investment Assistance Department A. Shot, chairman of PA MCAEE V. Kariaghin, vice-chairman of economic committee, the head of Minsk Executive Committee Business Entrepreneurship Management A. Kalinovskiy
The members of the association successfully showing social and economic activity, producing high results in the development of their business and constantly participating in business and public life of PA MCAEE were rewarded
The members of the association successfully showing social and economic activity, producing high results in the development of their business and constantly participating in business and public life of PA MCAEE were rewarded
The congratulation of the director V. Uminskiy of ICPUE “Conversum” on the 15th anniversary of his firm
The handing of IT Certification of membership of PA MCAEE to entrepreneur Kadola Svetlana Borisovna