Session of International Trading Club

On February, 9 in Republic Ukraine embassy in Belarus was held a session of ITC Board. The participants of meeting nave listened report about ITC work in 2008 that was presented by The chairman of Club, the head of trade and economic mission of Embassy of Ukraine Petr Laishev and also discussed the working plan for year 2009. The decision about holding open session of Board meeting and members of ITC for organizational issues solving was made.

The participants of ITC Board meeting:

- Igor Lihovoi, Ambassador of Ukraine in Belarus,

- Petr Lajshev the head of trade and economic mission of Embassy of Ukraine,

- Vladimir Karyagin, chairman of PA «Minsk capital association of entrepreneurs and employers»,

- Nikolov Luchezar Ganev, the first secretary, the head of trade and economic service of Embassy of Republic Bulgaria - vice-president of ITC,

- Veslav Pokladek, the Adviser of Embassy of Republic Poland in Minsk, the head of assistance department to trade and investments,

- Ferenz Bereni, the adviser of foreign economic questions of Embassy of Hungarian Republic,

- Mravik Joseph, the Adviser, the head of trade and economic department of Embassy of Slovak Republic

- Liliya Koval, vice-chairman of PA «Minsk capital association of entrepreneurs and employers», secretary of ITC,

- Mihail Primov, the assistant to the sales representative of Russian Federation - vice-president of ITC,

- Marchuk Konstantin, the First secretary of Embassy of Ukraine,

- Vidmantas Verbizkas, the First Secretary of Embassy of the Lithuanian Republic.