Capital Business Club

Capital Business Club was created within MCAEE in February 1999. It provides the possibility for professional communication, exchanging of experience, development of industrial and business cooperation, summarizing of initiatives and offers aimed at further development of entrepreneurship – for heads and founders of enterprises.

Owners and heads of enterprises, members of MCAEE, and honorary members of MCAEE elected by MCAEE for a great impact to development of entrepreneurship in Belarus can become members of Capital Business Club.



Dates and Agendas of CBC sittings in 2005:  



On March, 18


 1.       Presentation of Capital Business Club participants

2.       Information of honorary guest of the Club Ms. Elena Suhir, Program Officer of CIPE about projects of development of entrepreneurship in the East Europe countries.

3.       Report of Business Development participants ( USA , Chicago).


On June, 16 a festive sitting of Capital Business Club took place in an agrotourist complex. The event was devoted to the Revival Day of Entrepreneurship of Belarus.

On August, 4 a sitting of Capital Business Club devoted to the 8th anniversary of PA Minsk Capital Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers took place.


Deputies of the Chamber of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus participated in the event as guests.


September, 29

Entrepreneurship today.

2.       On preparation of the National Business Agenda of Belarus.

3.       On trends of small entrepreneurship development in Belarus .

4.       Budget and Tax project for 2006.

5.       Problems and perspectives of improvement of  tax management



October, 18


Consolidation of business associations and SMEs.

Honorary guests – US Ambassador George Krol, Head of IFC Representative Office Ivan Ivanov, representatives of business associations of the USA , Russia , Romania , Ukraine .




December, 22


1.       Sizing up of activity Minsk Capital Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers in 2005

2.       Congratulations of the winners of  “Director of the year”, “the best accountant of the year” and “Business woman of the year” competitions