Business club in Lida
24.07.2009 Partner CIPE PA “MCAEE” held together with Grodno business association business club in Lida (Grodno region), in which participated 52 person also from other regions of Belarus, representatives of governing bodies (Ministry of economy, Lida regional executive committee, Grodno free economy zone “Grodnoinvest” etc.), founders and leaders of enterprises, the main topic of club session: “Actual problems of development of entrepreneurship in Belarus in context of interregional economic cooperation and in conditions of overcoming of world economic crisis consequences”.
In report at club session Vladimir Karyagin presented “BNBP-2009” and priority directions of advancement and realization of its ideas. The senior advisor of representation of IFC (International finance corporation) in Belarus V. Fadeev devoted his report to problems of liberalization of economy of Belarus and improvement of business environment. Chairman of Lida regional committee A. Hudik told about participation of private business in realization of programs of social and economic development of region, about experience of government and private partnership at the session reported representatives of Poland, Lithuania and Slovakia embassies. In discussion participants positively evaluated platform and efforts on its ideas realization pointing necessity of systematical advancement of platform priorities at the same time on local level. Reporters told out concern of possible efforts of officials to reduce realization of platform ideas to separate private measures or imitate processes of economy liberalization. Concern of enforcement of checks, fines and penalties after acceptance of President’s decree “About control activity in Belarus” was spoken out and also – pointed especial importance of realization of platform ideas on questions of prizing and taxation, protection of proprietor rights. Participants of club session told about necessity of constant holding of competition “The best city for business in Belarus” and about expansion of nominations of that competition at regional and local levels. Participants of club session got: texts of platform and materials on its ideas advancement, latest release of newspaper, analytical articles of CIPE and Y. Romanchuk, leaflets and lampoons.