Preliminary Program

Preliminary Program for


International Conference “Bank, Capital and Investment for


Business and Regions”


Minsk , December, 5-7, 2006



December, 5, 2006, Tuesday


During the day


Arrival and accommodation of the participants. Registration will continue in “ Minsk ” hotel. (Prospekt Nezavisimosti, 11)




Participation in the opening of the First Specialized Exposition “Credit. Insurance. Leasing; Nacional’nyi Vystavochnyi Centr*; (ul. Kupaly, 27)


Information on the exposition is available at



* National Exposition Center









Visiting a ballet performance; Nacional’nyi Bol’shoi Teatr Baleta i Opery Respubliki Belarus ’**



** National Bolshoi Theatre of Ballet and Opera of the Republic of Belarus




December, 6, 2006, Wednesday




Registration of the Participants of the Conference; “Minskiy Mezhdunarodnyi obrazovatel’nyi centr IBB”*** (Prospekt Gazety Pravda, 11a)



*** Minsk International Educational Center IBB


Introductory address

Welcoming remarks from the Executive Committee

Vladimir Karyagin, Feliks Chernyavskiy, other representatives of partner organizations



Welcoming speech

Representative of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus



Plenary session I: “The role of banks and non-bank institutions in the development of transition economies in global economic and political environment”

ü        United Nations’ «Global Compact» and social responsibility of bank institutions

ü        Environment, problems and practice of investment in Belarus and other countries of CIS, Central and Eastern Europe

ü        The role of bank associations in the process of development of national bank systems and international bank cooperation

ü        The prospects of the development of Belarusian bank system

ü        New edition of Bank Code of the Republic of Belarus : prospects for the development of banks and non-bank institutions

ü        Rating countries and banks

ü        Introduction and development of new bank services

ü        Relevant aspects of microcredit

ü        Risk and finance stability in banking sector

ü        Competition and marketing in bank sector

ü        Internet and mobile banking

ü        Financial fraud and information security

ü        Contemporary practices of IT implementation in bank sector

ü        Advantages of interregional economic cooperation

ü        Defining the needs of regions and regional investment projects

ü        Banks and regional governments: prerequisites of successful cooperation

ü        Banks, capital and investment for regions in the context of regional programs and projects

ü        Integration of investment and innovative opportunities of regions

ü        Attracting investment into banking system

ü        Aspects of leasing development

ü        Are there any banks offered for sale?




Plenary session I


Lunch in “Vestfaliya” restaurant; IBB (cheques and cash accepted)


Round tables and master class;  IBB



Registration of additional conference participants, representatives of enterprises and regions presenting investment projects offers; IBB

Round Table 1

Master class

* Investment into regional economy: project financing, advantages, integration of innovative opportunities of regional business.



Organizer: International Association “Economic Research and Education”

* “Investment into small and medium business in Belarus ” (estimation of risks and opportunities).


Organizer and moderator: Uniter investment company



18.00-18.15       Coffee-break



Plenary session II


Discussing outcomes of the conference, sharing recommendations.


Business club sitting


ü        Top 100 Wealthiest People of Central and Eastern Europe : Presentation


December, 7, 2006, Thursday



Visiting Museum of National Bank of the Republic of Belarus


Continuation of the conference on the scene of the exposition “Credit. Insurance. Leasing”; ul. Kupaly, 27


Round table (the Exposition’s participants will be accepted): “Aspects of development of financial services in the context of business cooperation between banks, insurance and leasing companies”




Business meetings in accordance with individual programs and plans of the conference participants. Spare time.

During the rest of the day
