The sitting of Belarusian-Kazakh-Russian business-dialogue
XV Assembly of Business Circles of Belarus
Meeting with world bank experts
“Problems of financing of small and medium businesses”
Еxpress-analysis of cooperation and knowledge transfer between industry and public research
At present the FP7 project "Knowledge Transfer Community to bridge the gap between research, innovation and business creation - NoGAP" is being implemented in Belarus. The NoGAP consortium is composed of 13 organizations from 6 countries of which 3 are EU members (Germany, Romania, Slovakia) and 3 are members of the Eastern Partnership (Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia).
Sitting of commission for establishing or changing tax rated for IEs
Initially, the draft “On establishing single tax rates for individual entrepreneurs and other individuals within base single tax rates for individual entrepreneurs and other individuals, approved by Tax Code of the Republic of Belarus” stipulated single tax rate increase by 40%.
With a glance of private discussion conducted, proposals of individual entrepreneurs and associations of entrepreneurs received, the commission approved a new draft, stipulating single tax rate augmentation by 14 – 18%. As individual entrepreneurs noted themselves, city authorities allowed for their proposals at most.
Belarus – Lithuania. Franchising opportunities
At the end of the seminar the opportunities for financing small and medium business were conferred. About this informed project manager of Vilnius region in АВ «Siauliubankas» Viktoras Budraitis.