On March 18, 2014 the Chairman of Presidium of ALE “RCE”, Chairman of PA “MCAEE” Vladimir Karyagin took part in a conference on topic “Elimination of administrative barriers, optimisation of state control and counteraction to corruption”. The conference was conducted in the framework of Week of Russian Business, which is taking place in Moscow from March 17 to 21, 2014 and is the key event on conferring and making suggestions on topical directions in the sphere of counteraction between state and business. During the conference Vladimir Karyagin spoke with the report “On counteraction to the corruption in the Republic of Belarus”.

On March 18, 2014 the Chairman of Presidium of ALE “RCE”, Chairman of PA “MCAEE” Vladimir Karyagin took part in the sitting of Belarusian-Kazakh-Russian business-dialogue “Draft Agreement on Eurasian Economic Union: new challenges and opportunities for business”, which took place in Moscow in the framework of Week of Russian Business. In his speech he particularly underlined the necessity of consolidated approach to forming the legislation sphere in the countries of Eurasian Economic Union, which, as it is known, is planned to be created by January 1, 2015. Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan, that are members of the Common Economic Space since January 1, 2012, will enter this new formation.

 On March 5, 2014 XV Assembly of Business Circles of Belarus took place in Minsk. During the Assembly the Draft “National Business Platform. Free entrepreneurship – thriving country” was presented to public at large. The event was organized on the initiative of Association of Legal Entities “Republican Confederation of Entrepreneurship”, Public Association “Minsk Capital Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers”, Coordination Council on Elaboration, Development and Promotion of NBP, with the assistance of Council on Entrepreneurship Development of Republic of Belarus. The Assembly participants analysed priority directions in improving business climate in the country, discussed the ways of their implementation developed by the business community and proposed in the Draft Platform. In all, Draft NBP-2014 contains 92 complex proposals, aimed on creation of favourable conditions for doing private business in Belarus. Draft National Business Platfrom is unanimously assumed as a basis.

On February 27, 2014 the Chairman of the Association Vladimir Karyagin and members of the Association: Director of Local Historical Cultural Foundation “Leliva”, Director of rural community “Rastitelnaya zhizn” Sergey Makarov took part in the meeting with representatives of World Bank Group. Initiator and organizer of the event was IFC mission in Belarus. During the meeting that took place in the Minsk office of World Bank issues connected to creation of an entrepreneurship support organization on the basis of Foundation of entrepreneurship financial support were conferred.

On February 13, 2014 a roundtable, organized at the initiative of www.infobank.by, took place. Theme sounded as “Problems of financing of small and medium businesses”. In the event the members of the Association – Alexey Gorjunov (Director of “Mobilniy Leasing”), Anton Andreenko (Dorector of “Avangard Leasing”), Vladimir Karyagin (Chairman of PA “MCAEE”), Konstantin Tsereteli (CEO of JSC “BNB-Bank”), Alexander Dedkov (Head of Leasing Activity Regulation Department of National Bank of Republic of Belarus) took part. During the event the issues of how leasing companies under conditions of constrained currency loaning work, which risks related to outer funding should be taken into consideration by leasing companies, how to minimize them, as well as other issues were considered.

At present the FP7 project "Knowledge Transfer Community to bridge the gap between research, innovation and business creation - NoGAP" is being implemented in Belarus. The NoGAP consortium is composed of 13 organizations from 6 countries of which 3 are EU members (Germany, Romania, Slovakia) and 3 are members of the Eastern Partnership (Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia).




On January 24, 2014 in Minsk City Executive Commitee a sitting of commission for establishing or changing tax rated for IEs took place.
Initially, the draft “On establishing single tax rates for individual entrepreneurs and other individuals within base single tax rates for individual entrepreneurs and other individuals, approved by Tax Code of the Republic of Belarus” stipulated single tax rate increase by 40%.
With a glance of private discussion conducted, proposals of individual entrepreneurs and associations of entrepreneurs received, the commission approved a new draft, stipulating single tax rate augmentation by 14 – 18%. As individual entrepreneurs noted themselves, city authorities allowed for their proposals at most.

On January 23, 2014 heads of PA Associations’ partner enterprises in the lineup of delegation, formed by PA “MCAEE” and ALE “RCE” took part in the workshop on topic “Opportunities for development of collaboration in sphere of business and franchising between Belarus and Lithuania” in Lithuanian capital, Vilnius. The seminar was conducted at Ministry of Economy of Lithuanian Republic, which have accepted representatives of Belarusian business circles for the first time. With a report on the state of business climate in Lithuania spoke the representative of the company “EnterpiseLithuanua” Iolanta Milosh. The representative of Ministry of Economy of Lithuanian Republic Olga Tselova informed on structural funds of the European Union and opportunities for business they represent. The founder of Franchising Centre of Lithuania Ilya Malkin will become speaker on topic “Franchising – cooperation without borders, and CEO of UAB «Investicijų ir verslo garantijos» Audrjus Zabotka - on topic “State guarantees”.
At the end of the seminar the opportunities for financing small and medium business were conferred. About this informed project manager of Vilnius region in АВ «Siauliubankas» Viktoras Budraitis.

On December 2-6, 2013 administration and members of the PA “MCAEE” and ALE “RCE” in the delegation of representatives of the Belarusian business community take part in a seminar on the development of NBA - National Business Agenda, held in Stockholm (Sweden). Seminar participants learn international experience in the field of advocacy. About the work on rights protection and representation of employers’ interests will inform the representatives of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprises and the Swedish Federation of Business Owners. On the history of the “National Business Platform of Belarus”, on the activities of the Belarusian business community on development, promotion and implementation of the Platform to foreign colleagues will tell Chairman of PA “MCAEE”, Presidium Chairman of ALE “RCE” Vladimir Karyagin, first vice- chairman of the PA “MCAEE” Co-Chairman of the ALE “RCE” Viktor Margelov, Vice Madame Chair of the Association Lily Koval, Head of the Association legal department Vadim Borodulya, members of the Working group on the “:NBPB” Alex Pepeljaev andAnton Garustovich.

On December 2, 2013 a round table on the issues of pensions, organizd in the framework of European Dialogue for modernization and the project “Strengthening of Eastern Partnership National Platforms” by the initiative group of the public association “Our Generation” took place.

Календарь МССПиР

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