Abolition of National Bank Decree 599

ALE “RCE”, PA “MCAEE”, PA “Belarussian Association of Employers”, Association of retail networks, Council for Entrepreneurship of Republic of Belarus proved the necessity to abolish Decree №599 to National Bank of Belarus.
The Decree recommended banks to introduce a fee for cash collection services at the rate of at least 0,1%; for acquiring –of least 0,8% of the operation amount. Besides, banks were recommended to charge at least 1% for receiving cash from sale of goods and services.
The specialists of the Ministry of Trade estimated, that on account of the Decree costs of trade entities could grow by approximately 2 times, collection costs – by 3- 4 times, cash receiving – not less than 8 times. The costs of trade organizations would make up more than 2 trillion rubles a year, which would increase prices.

Календарь МССПиР

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