Press conference on the results of the 8th IBO measurement –10/19/2015

On 10.19.2015 the press conference for the media took place, initiated by the Minsk Capital Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers. The results of the 8th survey on measuring the index business optimism of entrepreneurs of Belarus were presented. The survey was conducted at the initiative of business community in September. This index (IBO-8) amounted to -0,09 (-0.09). This is the lowest number of all the time the study has been conducted.

The index of business optimism of entrepreneurs of Belarus remains in the area corresponding to the dominance of “moderate skepticism” in the attitudes of Belarusian entrepreneurs, even in the complexity of the economic situation.

The results of theIBO measurements were presented to journalists by Vice-Chairwoman of the PA “MCUEE” LiliaKoval, Chairman of the Presidiumof the Associationof legal entities “Republican Confederation of Entrepreneurship”, Chairman of the Public Association “Minsk Capital Union of Entrepreneursand Employers”Vladimir Karyagin.
Press release

The results of the 8th survey on measuring the index business optimism of entrepreneurs of Belarus, which was held at the initiative of business community in September 2015, were presented in Minsk, at the press conference for the media on 10.19.2015. This index (IBO-8) amounted to -0,09 (-0.09). This is the lowest number of all the time the study has been conducted.

The index of business optimism of entrepreneurs of Belarus is measured at intervals of six months, starting in May 2012. The previous, 7th measurement of the index was conducted in February 2015. The index represents the difference between the subjective assessments of the business community of the future and the past state of the economic situation in Belarus, as well as business respondents themselves. The index represents the difference between subjective assessments of business community of the future and the past state of the economic situation of the Republic of Belarus, as well as business of the respondents themselves.

In the survey, 520 representatives of private businesses from all the regions of the country responded to the questions. There were SP, owners of small, medium and large enterprises in all regions of Belarus: economic entities in small business employing up to 100 people; economic entities in medium-sized businesses - with the number of employees from 101 to 250; ​​large enterprises - with the number of employees over 250 people. Respondents were particularly asked to assess changes in such aspects of their business as the number of new customer orders, number of employees, revenues and volume of production, the availability of financial resources, as well as the general state of the Belarusian economy and the business of the respondent.

Answers of owners and directors of businesses indicate the presence of a serious crisis in the economy. Here are some data of the survey.

87, 3% of respondents believe that the state of the Belarusian economy in the past six months has worsened. The question: “How, in your opinion, has changed the state of the Belarusian economy in the past six months?” 55, 1% of the respondents replied “has slightly worsened” and 32,2% of the respondents replied “has significantly worsened”.

Changes in the general economic situation in Belarus in the last six months were estimated as positive only by 3, 2% of the respondents. 0.8% of the respondents said that the economic situation “has significantly improved”, 2.4% replied that “has slightly improved”. In comparison, during the previous measurement, IBO-7, 95.9% of the respondents claimed about worsening.

In September 2015 only 2.6% (previous figure: 6.8%) of the respondents claimed on the improvement of the state of their businesses over the past six months; the deterioration was claimed by 70, 1% (previous figure: 82%); reduction of the number of new orders was indicatedby 70, 8% (69.3% of the respondents responded this way last time); production of goods and services – by 64.5% (66.8% - in February 2015), revenues – by 84.1% (81.2% - in February); access to financial resources – worsening was noted by 28,6% (in February: 67.7%).

The question: “Are you satisfied with the state of dialogue between business and government?” in September, 2015 was answered positively by 2.9% (by 5.6% in February). 86.5% of the respondents expressed their dissatisfaction.

29.2% of the respondents said that the regulation of pricing worsens the condition of their businesses (in February - 80.2% of the respondents).

The survey results show that the improvement in the economy in the next six months is expected by 2.8% of the respondents (in February: 1.9%). The deterioration in the economy is expected by 44,8% (in February: 77.6% of the respondents). 30.6% of the respondents predict deteriorations of their businesses (in February: 61.5%). 58, 5% of the respondents expect reductions of new orders, 24.1% expect reduction of production of goods and services, 62.2% - decrease in revenues and 22.9% - access to financial resources.

In September 2015, the respondents were asked additional questions about actual problems of the Belarusian business. Responding to a question about the main problems of Belarusian business, 68% named lack of stability in the economy, impossibility of planning. They are followed by: the lack of dialogue between business and authorities, business support: 58.5%; corruption: 48.5%. In the 4th place among the main problems was inequality of ownership forms - 19.2%. The 5th place was occupied by instability of the legislation.

In September 2015, the respondents were also asked additional questions about the attitude of entrepreneurs to clusters. To the question “Is your enterprise a part of a specialized cluster?”2% of the respondents answered “Yes”. 44, 3% said “No”, the option “I hesitate answering this question” was chosen by 51.5%. To the question “Do you think it is feasible to establish or develop in the future a specialized cluster which would include your company?” 13.5% answered “Yes”, 21.8% - “No”,  “I hesitate answering this question” – 47.6%.

The index of business optimism of entrepreneurs of Belarus remains in the area corresponding to the dominance of “moderate skepticism” in the attitudes of Belarusian entrepreneurs, even in the complexity of the economic situation. Thus from February 2014 there has been observed its decline.

Public Advisory Council meetingof the MTD - 10/19/2015

On 16 October 2015 Chief Financial Officer of the PA “MCUEE” Anatoly Goldberg  participated in a regular meeting of the Advisory Council of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of Belarus, chaired by the Deputy Minister Ella Selitskaya.

List ofbarriers impedingthe functioning ofthe internal marketof the Eurasian EconomicUnion – 10/15/2015

In accordance with the letter of the Eurasian Economic Commission № 06-57 dated 09.21.2015 there was sent a list of barriers of mutual access to the PA “MCUEE” which impede the functioning of the internal market of the Eurasian Economic Union including seizures and restrictions on the movement of goods, services, capital and labor force as well.

Belarus: entrepreneurs started developing the National Business Platform – 10/30/2015

Business community started developing the National Business Platform of Belarus-2016. This was stated by Chairman of the Presidium of the Republican Confederation of Entrepreneurship, Chairman of the Minsk Capital Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers Vladimir Karyagin at the conference “New Economy, clusters of economic growth, investment elevators, infrastructure investments in the development of the economy”.

“We started preparing the National Business Platform of Belarus – 2016”. This work is fully transparent, any student, professor, entrepreneur can make a suggestion to enter into a working group, this is a chance to be heard. And we already know for sure that the Government, the Presidential Administration and the President demonstrate a great attention to every reasonable business initiative” – said Vladimir Karyagin.

He also stated that on 16 November the Global Entrepreneurship Week will start. “This is an important international conference with dozens of events. We are becoming an active part of business activities in 150 countries, contributing to and reflecting on what measures need to be taken” - said Vladimir Karyagin.

Conference “New Economy, clusters of economic growth, investment elevators, infrastructure investment in the development of the economy” was held during the international exhibition “Finance. Banks”. Goals of the event are to involve international experience into the economy of our country and discuss possibilities of a new economy based on innovation, export, resources optimization, investment elevators and a new role of the state in the economy.

Conference “Economy of Belarus: challenge one more time” – 11/5/15

First Deputy Chairman of the PA “MCUEE” Viktor Margelov, Vice-Chairwoman of the PA “MCUEE" Lilia Koval on 03-04 November 2015 in Minsk took part in a conference on the topic: “Economy of Belarus: challenge one more time”, which was organized by: the IPM Research Center, CASE Belarus, Belarusian Economic Research Center (Beroc).

The conference was dedicated to the topics: “Global Context: Rethinking Concepts, Policy Review” (reports and statements dated 11.03.2015) and “Local solutions: time to get out of the transition period” (report and statements dated 11.04.2015).

The conference was opened on 11.03.2015 when Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Belarus Nikolai Snopkov greeted the participants (in his speech the importance of the country's economic reform was discussed) and the UN Resident Coordinator/UNDP Resident Representative, Representative of the UNFPA in Belarus Sanaka Samarasinkha.

The plenary presentation was made by a representative of the World Bank, Director for Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova, Dr. Fan Qimiao.


Dialogue between business and government. Discussion of the draft Decree “On improvement of management structure of housing and communal services” - 11/18/2015

On 17 November Head of the legal department of the Minsk Capital Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers Vadim Borodulya, Chairman of the Association of the Union “Safe House”, Deputy Director General of a partner enterprise of the Union, LLC “STROYMIR GROUP” Gennady Zakharov, Deputy Chairwoman of the Association of the Union “Safe House”, Director of a PE “DOORPHONE STEEL” Alexandra Vodyanitskaya attended a meeting at the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Belarus. The meeting participants discussed the draft Decree “On improvement of the structure of housing and communal services”. The discussion of the draft Decree was also attended by representatives of the National Union of condominiums and housing consumer cooperatives.


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