The following people took part in the discussion:

Mikhail Rassolko – Head of Department of Taxation of Individuals of the Ministry for Taxes and Levies

Lybov Soika – Head of Hotel Development Department under Minsk City Executive Committee

Alexander Krasnogira – Chairman of the Association “Gostepriimstvo”

Vladimir Karyagin – Chairman of Presidium of ALE “RCE”



On June 20, 2014 Vice Chairwoman of the Association Lilia Koval, Director of PR Centre of the Association Lyubov Svetlanova took part in the presentation of the project “Improvement of access to financial resources among rural population of Belarus”, which was conducted in the conference hall of the hotel “CrownePlazaMinsk". The event was organized by the Republican Microfinance Centre, the head of which is Igor Mikulchik, a member of the PA “MCAEE”. This project, which is meant to expand the economic opportunities of the rural population by improving of access to credit resources, developing entrepreneurship skills, will be implemented with the support of USAID.

On 19.06.2014 the Chairman of the Association Vladimir Karyagin participated in the ceremony of laying the first stone of Chinese-Belarusian Industrial Park. The event took place near the village Bykachino (Smolevichi district). Greeting the participants, the Vice Premier Anatoly Tozik noted, that a lot of companies manifest interest for the Park. The first resident will be Chinese company Huawei, founded in 1987, with HQ in the free economic zone Shenchzen. Huawei is now the world’s leading provider of  communicational solutions.

On June 12, 2014 an International Business Forum began its work in Stockholm, Sweden. The delegation consisting of heads of Association’s business partners takes part in the event. The delegation is formed with the assist of ALE “RCE”, which acts as a partner of JSC “Belarussian Universal Commodity Exchange”. Delivering a report, Vladimir Karyagin analysed problems and prospects of Belarusian-Scandinavian business cooperation.

On June 11, 2014 the heads of Association’s partner firms participated in Belarusian-Finnish Business Forum, which was conducted in Helsinki (Finland). During numerous events, organized within the Forum framework, Belarusian entrepreneurs familiarize foreign colleagues with commercial offers and investment projects, present their products, goods and services, inform about their intentions. The Forum participants are heads and specialists of enterprises, banks, consulting and investment companies, among which are famous Nordic Investment Bank (NIB), juridical company SORAINEN, etc.

 On June 6, 2014 a meeting of Capital Directors Club, dedicated to the day of entrepreneurship revival in the Republic of Belarus took place. The meeting was conducted at the territory of Association’s partner enterprise, farm “Tabola”. During the meeting the Head of Association’s partner enterprise “FinConsultGroup”, analyst of the company “Alpari” Alexander Sabodin delivered a review of national currency market, international exchange market and global commodity markets. The Head of a partner enterprise, JSC “Mobilny Leasing” Alexey Goryunov informed on new financial opportunities for individuals and entities.



On May 26, 2014 a discussion meeting in Prosecutor General's Office of Republic of Belarus took place. During the event the General Prosecutor of Republic of Belarus Alexander Konyuk and Chairman of the Presidium of ALE “RCE”, Chairman of PA “MCAEE” Vladimir Karyagin discussed a number of issue on confronting the corruption. In particular, the problems of raiding were analysed. It was noted, that today a term “raiding” is not included into the terminology of Belarusian legislation. This negatively impacts the corruption by stirring it up. A proposal on consolidating the efforts of law-enforcement authorities and business community in confronting corruption was elaborated.

On May 26, 2014 a briefing on topic “Regulating the entrepreneurship activity and realisation of goods by citizens and individual entrepreneurs” was conducted in the National Press-Centre of Republic of Belarus. The journalists’ questions answered the Presidium of ALE “RCE”, Chairman of PA “MCAEE” Vladimir Karyagin, the Head of Department of Individual Taxation of Ministry for Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus Mikhail Rassolko, Deputy Head of Department of Individual Taxation of Ministry for Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus Tatyana Petrenko, the Chairman of Belarussian Union of Entrepreneurs Alexander Kalinin.

On March 18, 2014 the Chairman of Presidium of ALE “RCE”, Chairman of PA “MCAEE” Vladimir Karyagin took part in a conference on topic “Elimination of administrative barriers, optimisation of state control and counteraction to corruption”. The conference was conducted in the framework of Week of Russian Business, which is taking place in Moscow from March 17 to 21, 2014 and is the key event on conferring and making suggestions on topical directions in the sphere of counteraction between state and business. During the conference Vladimir Karyagin spoke with the report “On counteraction to the corruption in the Republic of Belarus”.

On March 18, 2014 the Chairman of Presidium of ALE “RCE”, Chairman of PA “MCAEE” Vladimir Karyagin took part in the sitting of Belarusian-Kazakh-Russian business-dialogue “Draft Agreement on Eurasian Economic Union: new challenges and opportunities for business”, which took place in Moscow in the framework of Week of Russian Business. In his speech he particularly underlined the necessity of consolidated approach to forming the legislation sphere in the countries of Eurasian Economic Union, which, as it is known, is planned to be created by January 1, 2015. Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan, that are members of the Common Economic Space since January 1, 2012, will enter this new formation.

 On March 5, 2014 XV Assembly of Business Circles of Belarus took place in Minsk. During the Assembly the Draft “National Business Platform. Free entrepreneurship – thriving country” was presented to public at large. The event was organized on the initiative of Association of Legal Entities “Republican Confederation of Entrepreneurship”, Public Association “Minsk Capital Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers”, Coordination Council on Elaboration, Development and Promotion of NBP, with the assistance of Council on Entrepreneurship Development of Republic of Belarus. The Assembly participants analysed priority directions in improving business climate in the country, discussed the ways of their implementation developed by the business community and proposed in the Draft Platform. In all, Draft NBP-2014 contains 92 complex proposals, aimed on creation of favourable conditions for doing private business in Belarus. Draft National Business Platfrom is unanimously assumed as a basis.

On February 27, 2014 the Chairman of the Association Vladimir Karyagin and members of the Association: Director of Local Historical Cultural Foundation “Leliva”, Director of rural community “Rastitelnaya zhizn” Sergey Makarov took part in the meeting with representatives of World Bank Group. Initiator and organizer of the event was IFC mission in Belarus. During the meeting that took place in the Minsk office of World Bank issues connected to creation of an entrepreneurship support organization on the basis of Foundation of entrepreneurship financial support were conferred.

Календарь МССПиР

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