On October 28, 2013 ALE RCE Presidium Chairman, PA MCAEE Chairman Vladimir Kariagin and Deputy ALE RCE Chairman Victor Serenkov will participate in the Day of Belarussian Economy in Berlin. At the venue the issues of Belarusian-German collaboration in the fields of investments and outer trade and the problems of interaction in the context of Belarus’ membership in the Customs Union and Common Economic Space will be conferred.

On October 25 on a round table “Conceptual Principles of Working-Out of the National Strategy of Sustainable Socio-Economic Development of Belarus up to 2030” the ALE RCE Presidium Chairman, the PA MCAEE Chairman Vladimir Kariagin spoke and reported that on March 5, 2014 in Minsk the XV Assembly of  business circles will be held. On this event the NBPB-2014 project in which it is planned to include a number of issues, connected with development of "green economy" will be submitted. Vladimir Karyagin also had a meeting with Ben Slay, the head of department of the UNDP regional bureau (Bratislava) at which topical issues of sustainable social and economic development and "green economy" were discussed. The meeting was opened with welcome speech by the Deputy Minister of economy of Republic of Belarus Alexander Yaroshenko. In a round table also took part the coordinator of the UNFPA programs Tatyana Gaplinchik, the Deputy Director for science and informatics of unitary enterprise “Belarussian Town Building Research Institute” Nikolay Vlasyuk.

On October 24, 2013 the UN Day Celebration took place in “Dom Moskvi”, Minsk. The ALE RCE Presidium Chairman, the PA MCAEE Chairman Vladimir Kariagin joined in the event. At the celebration Mr. Sanaka Samarasinha, UN Resident Coordinator, Mr. Nikolai Snopkov, Minister of Economy and Ms. Alena Kupchyna, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs delivered the addresses to the gathered.

On October 18 – 19, 2013 the ALE RCE presidium chairman, PA MCAEE chairman Vladimir Kariagin participated in the annual meeting of europrean entrepreneurs "EUROPEAN ENTREPRENEURS-2013" in Budapest. The meeting began with a conference for SME represenatatives, during which the results of the previous period were summed up.

September 16 and 18, 2013 NBP-2013 was presented by Vladimir Karyagin to administration and members of business – associations in China – Association of small and medium enterprises and Confederation of international trade support in Beijing and Shanghai. Vladimir Karyagin informed Chinese entrepreneurs about development of dialogue between business and authority in Belarus.

 Advanced seminar was held on September 11, 2013 in Klichev (Mogilev region) with 22 people. The most of audience was youth. In seminar participated students of Klichev state agricultural college (3rd year of study) and Klichev interschool educational and industrial establishment for professional education and direction of Klichev district pupils. At seminar presented pupils of 11th course of school. Seminar identified that college students and pupils are more interested in economic web-sites than their age mates from Minsk and regional centers of Belarus and actively use e-mail.

 Roundtable in Lida (Grodno region) with 17 people was held on August 8, 2013, including chairman of Lida district executive committee Alexander Ostrovski. The topic was: “Development of industrial and service entrepreneurship in Lida region”. Reports were made by Vladimir Karyagin, Anatoli Gromadchenko, Lilia Koval, Leonid Mastugin (director of business – incubator “Apsel”, Co.). They told about role of business – associations in development of business and advocacy, problems of lease relations, dialogue between business and authority. Alexander Ostrovski paid attention of participants to possibility of business participation in regional programs of social and economic development and marked willingness of authorities to dialogue with business.

June 26-27, 2013 in Belostok (Poland) will be held 17th Poland – Belarus Economic forum “Neighbourliness -2013”. Forum “Neighbourliness” – is annual, general discussion about state of economic relations between Poland and Belarus, commodity circulation, investment conditions, bank and insurance service, customs issues, and also about possibilities and risks for business, acknowledged platform for opinions and experience exchange, place for business contacts establishment and development. 

April 18, 2013 was held a meeting between Vladimir Karyagin and the first vice – chairman of Minsk union of entrepreneurs and employers, co-chairman of ALE Belarusian confederation of entrepreneurship Viktor Margelov. Deputy Prime Minister Anatoli Kalinin. Under discussion were problems of entrepreneurs in sphere of motorway service and ecology. Vladimir Karyagin presented position of business community on perfection of entrepreneurship conditions in these spheres. Representatives of authority supported activation of entrepreneurship in sphere of ecology, environment protection, and offer of business community about organization of business – association in sphere of motorway service. Offers of entrepreneurs were admitted to examination.

 Press – conference was held on April 17, 2013 with representatives of 10 mass media: leading information agencies “BelaPAN” (including video department), “Praim TASS”, “Interfax Zapad”, radios “Radio “Ratsia” and The First National channel of Belarusian radio, TV channels “BelSAT”, information portals: zavtra.by, rce.by, product.by, newspaper “Souz predprinimatelei”. Issues at press – conference can be divided into three topical blocks: 1) entrepreneurs rights protection; 2) struggle against monopolistic tendencies in trading; 3) advocacy – about one of problems of recycling – foundation of deposit system of packing collection in Belarus. The first issue (topical block) was covered by Vladimir Karyagin who told about ombudsman service on small and medium business rights protection in Russia – new social institute of Authorized Representative on entrepreneurs’ rights protection and prospects of ombudsman in Belarus.  The second topical block was presented in report of expert from BIPART Vladimir Kovalkin on topic “Trading nets: modern service or retail monopolization?”. The reporter underlined importance of struggle against monopolism and development of competition. Foundation of deposit system of packing collection was covered by coordinator of such projects Alexei Lavretski (“Alteris”, Co.). He told about advantages of such system. At base of BCE was found initiative group that develops concept of such system implementation and makes its preliminary economic evaluation.

April 4 at the base of National investments and privatization agency was held Belarus – Italy investment forum. Co-organizers from Belarusian side were agency and Minsk capital association of entrepreneurs and employers. In forum participated representatives of authorities, embassy of Italy in Minsk, Italian and Belarusian business, banks and consulting companies. Forum was held within the framework of delegation of business circles from Campania (Italy) visit, that takes place from April 3 to 6. Italian entrepreneurs represent such sectors of economy as metalwork, building, food and light industry etc.

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Contact person: HalinaIlyashchuk – director

Business offers of Belarusian enterprises  

Календарь МССПиР

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