March 13 in Minsk 14th Assembly of business circles of Belarus was held. It was a big business – congress. One more platform for discussion. It was open event. Every interested person has been invited. Among participants were high representatives of government. Minister of economy Nikolai Snopkov, vice – chairman of the National bank board Sergei Dubkov. Representatives of other authorities also presented among nearly 400 participants.

March 15 heads of partner enterprises of Minsk capital association of entrepreneurs and employers as a delegation departed to Riga for participation in 27th International exhibition of building industry “Dom 1 2013”.

Business offers of Belarusian enterprises  

 February 21 the head of Minsk capital association of entrepreneurs and employers’ (MCAEE) legal department, chairman of MCAEE’s Court of arbitration Vadim Borodulia participated in legal forum “Courts of arbitration – new alternative of settlement of disputes”. Organizers of forum: “UrSpectr”, Co., magazine “Industry and trade justice”, Economic court of Minsk region. Among participants were lawyers of economic entities, representatives of government bodies and courts of arbitration.

 January 10 in the office of MUEE was held a session of expert group on development of offers to the draft of law “On state regulation of trade and public catering in Belarus”. Business – experts analyzed the results of the session on measures of competitive environment development in sphere of trade and public catering that was held on January 5 in Ministry of trade and created number of offers that will positively influence trade branch of Belarus. The offers to the draft of law on trade you can send to: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.

December 13 was held national press – teleconference that was organized by press – center of Belarusian Confederation of Entrepreneurship and Minsk Capital Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers. The topic was: “Public – private partnership in Belarus. Problems. Prospects”. Participants analyzed issues of cooperation between state and private business in spheres of retail sales and recycling, told about business community’s point of view on draft of law “On state regulation of trade and catering in Belarus”, presented to journalists text of appeal to The prime-minister of Belarus Mihail Miasnikovich, in which experts of business – community positioned measures how to solve current and prevent possible problems in retail sales.  

December 11-12 in Moscow was held master – class “Public – private partnership in CIS: the best practices” that was organized by Vnesheconombank and Financial university and support of UN European Economic Commission. Belarusian Confederation of Entrepreneurship was presented by chairman of Confederation Presidium Vladimir Karyagin and executive director Sergei Lysenko. Vladimir Karyagin made report on topic: “Prospects of PPP in Belarus” during the session #1”General principles of PPP. Role of PPP in CIS development. Organization of PPP”. Vladimir Hlabordov, chief of legal department of Ministry of economy of Belarus, also made report at that session.

 November 16 chairman of Minsk Capital Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers participated at plenary session of 7th Belarusian investment forum. In the limelight of participants were the issues of Belarusian investment potential increase. Among reporters were Mihail Miasnikovich – prime-minister of Belarus, Nikolai Snopkov – minister of economy, Petko Draganov – under-secretary of UNCTAD, Viktor Hristenko – chairman of Eurasia Economic Committee board, Grigori Rappota –common state secretary, representatives of transnational corporations (TNC). Kortni Fingar – editor of The Financial Times Ltd division of foreign direct investments, acted as a moderator of discussion between participants of session.

November 15 chairman of Minsk Capital Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers participated in Minsk investment day that took place within the framework of Belarusian investment forum. Organizer: Minsk city executive committee. Aim is to form constructive dialogue between representatives of foreign business circles and authority for creation of favorable conditions of investment into Minsk.

Vice - chairman of MUEE Lilia Koval participated on November 8-10, 2012 in Forum -conference "Investments to future: women activity, economic growth". The event took place in Warsaw (Poland) with participation of US embassy, non-governmental women associations, government and bodies of self-regulation in Poland. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton made video invitation for forum participants.
Lilia Koval participated in discussions of section #1 "Provision of economic growth for women", #3 "Role of associations" and in discussion on consulting problems. In her reports she presented
NBP-2012 and mechanisms of NBP ideas advancement.

 Contest BRAND OF 2012 has successfully started! Participants and organizers will face diligent and interesting work on preparation to so important event for marketing community of Belarus. Professional contest in 2012 is dedicated to the brand of Minsk and will be held within the framework of general concept “Brand in the big city”. It is not occasion, because brands fill modern city life with bright colors and inspire people to unordinary actions, move with the times and excite by new ideas.

November 5 was held next session of International Trading Club at State Standardization Committee. Vice – chairman of State Standardization CommitteeIvlev S.A. presented structure and activities of Committee, made review of legislative changes in standardization for 2012 within the framework of Customs Union and Common Economic Space.

Working group on cooperation with industrial business was found within the framework of Eurasia Economic Committee. Tatsiana Bulovitskaia, member of Minsk Capital Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers, was included into the structure of working group. The aim of working group is collection of issues and offers of entrepreneurs in order to improve business conditions within the Customs Union.

Календарь МССПиР

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