On May, 12 the members of Capital Business Club of Accountants went to Belostock (Poland) where a raising skills workshop for accountants, economists and finance directors of enterprises would take place.
MCAEE offers for the Ministry of Health Security
Wednesday May, 10 2006
On May, 10 MCAEE sent its offers on economic substantiation of tariffs for paid medical services made by individual entrepreneurs who pay the single tax or use the simplified taxation system.
Congratulations to Yaroslav Romanchuk and Leonid Zaiko
May, 4 Thursday 2006
Public Association “Minsk Capital Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers” congratulates head of Mises Centre Yaroslav Romanchuk, head of Analytical Centre “Strategy” Leonid Zaiko and their colleagues with a victory in a competition of the best world publication in the field of economic analysis by Atlas Economic Research Foundation.
Prague International Economic Congress “West-East: integration and development”
May, 3 Wednesday 2006
Prague International Economic Congress “West-East: integration and development” began its work.
Proposals of MCAEE to the Parliament Commission
April, 28 Friday 2006
MCAEE sent its proposals in the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus April, 10 2006 #6 “On amendments and additions to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus March, 6 1999 # 11” to the Chairman of Industry, Fuel and Energy Complex, Transport, Communication and Entrepreneurship Commission Anatoly Pavlovich
XVII Assembly of Business Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers by name of prof. M. Kunyavsky
April, 28 Friday 2006 After familiarizing with a report about the Association Board activity, the Assembly participants started discussing results, problems and trends of development entrepreneurship activity in the
Vice-President of MCAEE Liliya Koval and the First Vice-President of MCAEE, director of TPUE “Tridakta” Viktor Margelov participated in the Assembly.