Press - teleconference on Index of Business Optimism (IBO) was held on October 30, 2012 with 30 journalists from 25 national and regional print and electronic mass media.  Topic: “Measurement of IBO in Belarus. Second stage”. Belarusian IBO is a figure that comes from entrepreneurs interviewing on issues of economy and state of business climate. Last number is:  -0, 065. Vladimir Karyagin, Lilia Koval , Igor Rassolko (sociologist, specialist of Center of sociological and political researches of Belarus State University).

November 2 Belarusian delegation of Minsk Capital Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers, PA and ALE Belarusian Confederation of Entrepreneurship departed to business trip to Sweden. It will take place from November 2 to November 8, 2012. The program of trip includes visit of International exhibition “Elmia Subcontractor” (industrial subcontracting, Jonkoping, Sweden) and meeting with leading Swedish business - associations in Stockholm. The event is held together with Scandinavian partners and under support of company “LATINSERVISS” (Informational representative office of Jurmala duma in Belarus), CES “Center 21st century”. Its concept was developed in cooperation with Embassy of Belarus in Sweden.

A session of the International Trading Club took place at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on October 24. A. Miroshnichenko, director of the Department on Bankruptcy and Reorganization under the Ministry of Economy, delivered a report “Bankruptcy institute, as a tool of economy reorganization”.

The following topics were discussed:
•    Legal procedure of economic insolvency;
•    Legal regulation of economic insolvency procedures (bankruptcy);
•    The order of creditor’s claims satisfaction.

The session was attended by Irina Dolgova, the head of the office of the Department on Bankruptcy and Reorganization,  Maksim Kurbak, counselor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Liliya Koval, the vice-chairman of the Minsk Capital Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers.

A session of the International Trading Club was organized by the Ministry of Justice on October 23.

The session was attended by:
•    Igor Tushinskiy, deputy Minister of Justice;
•    Dmitriy Kovalenko, the head of the department of the Single state register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs under the Ministry of Justice;
•    Marina Kisel, the deputy head of the department of the Single state register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs under the Ministry of Justice;
•    Inna Leus, consultant, the department of the Single state register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs under the Ministry of Justice.

Marina Kisel, the deputy head of the department of the Single state register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs under the Ministry of Justice, provided review of the Belarusian legislation on business liquidation.

The session was attended by Liliya Koval, the vice-chairman of the Minsk Capital Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers.

 A session of the International Trading Club took place at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on October 19. Dmitriy Klevzhits, the director of the National Agency of Investment and Privatization, delivered a report on the competitive advantages of Belarusian economy. Hi-Tech Park, pharmaceutics and biotechnologies, and renewable energy sources were named as the priority areas for foreign direct investment. Mr Klevzhits also gave presentation the VII Belarusian Investment Forum which is to take place in Minsk on November 15-16.

October 8, 2012 was held 16thBelarus-Poland economic forum “Dobrososedstvo”: “Energetics, agriculture and finances as the main sources of Belarus – Poland economic cooperation development”. The aim of the forum was to activate bilateral trade and economic cooperation and development of cooperative connections in energetic and agricultural sections of economy.

 September 20, 2012 was held Honorary rewarding ceremony for nominees of Republican contest “The best entrepreneur of the year”. Among the nominees was member of MUEE – “Zapagromash”, Co. in section “The best entrepreneur in sphere of industrial goods production” in accordance with Presidential Decree # 370 dated August 20, 2012.

 September 25, 2012 was held National teleconference of regional business associations on topic: Results of Index of business optimism evaluation. Among participants were 77 people who represented 9 cities of Belarus: Minsk, Brest, Grodno, Gomel, Vitebsk, Molodechno (Minsk region), Mogilev, Mozyr (Gomel region), Bobruisk (Mogilev region). Participants discussed results of elections to National Assembly of Belarus (Parliament) and its influence to entrepreneurship development.

 On September 13, 2012 was held a session of Public Consultative Council under chairmanship of Leonid Demidov, the first vice-chairman of State science and technology committee. Under discussion was a draft of Presidential Decree “On additory measures for international trade, technological solutions export, rights to intellectual activity, services and works stimulation”, including current offers. MUEE was presented by Vladimir Karyagin and Marina Lebedeva, chairman of Innovation committee at MUEE.

 September 3 delegation of business circles from Belarus under auspices of Vladimir Karyagin (chairman of MCAEE and chairman of Supreme coordination board of ALE BCE) departed to participate in XXII Economic forum in Krynitsa – “Davos of Poland” that will be held from September 4 to September 7. Delegation of business circles of Belarus that was formed by BCE and MUEE and included 22 people, representing business from Minsk and regions. Our delegates participate in forum during 21 year. Its materials and discussions help for business representatives to acquire new experience and knowledge, business contacts that important for business perfection. They actively disseminate materials of MUEE and NBP-2012.

Training seminar was held in Osipovichi (Mogilev region) on August 17, 2012 with participation of 31 people, including the first vice-chairman of Osipovichi district city executive committee Vasili Petrovski. Topic: Actual problems and prospects of entrepreneurship development in Belarus in 2012. Vladimir Karyagin in his report told about economic situation in Belarus, dialogue between business and authority for perfection of business climate, role of business associations in advocacy, presented NBP-2012. Vasili Petrovski in his report told about readiness to develop dialogue between business and authority. Participants marked problems of rent relations development, access of business to financial and informational resources, simplification of taxation and administrative procedures.  They positively evaluated NBP and underlined importance of mechanisms of its ideas advancement explanation, especially at local level, and holding of such seminars in future.

Member of MUEE – Satio, Co. together with fund “Eurasia”, agency of USA on international development USAID and Ministry of economy implements program of entrepreneurship development “Make correct start”. During the first week of July was started entry to autumn group of educational program. The program attracted real interest of young entrepreneurs. Special Supervisory council was founded as a guarantee of future regional development of program. It included: deputy director of Entrepreneurship department at Ministry of economy Petr Arushaniants, heads of enterprises and leaders of business – associations: Vladimir Karyagin, Georgi Badei – chairman of Business union of entrepreneurs and employers named after prof. M. Kuniavski, Janna Grinuk – founder of Satio, Co. They will support development of the above mentioned international program and consult its participants and their projects.

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