Vladimir Karyagin presented draft of NBP-2012 at session of Consultative and coordination Council of business community (CCC) on February 1 in Minsk with participation of Deputy minister of taxation Vasili Kamenko; Chairman of Entrepreneurship development Council, Chairman of national statistic committee Vladimir Zinovski. Members of Council discussed new edition of draft of Presidential Decree “On measures of illegal minimization of tax rates”, in which were included offers of business circles made on January 19 at session of working group. Vladimir Karyagin marked that draft is still not satisfactory for business community. Participants decided to send it for adaptation to Ministry of taxation. Also participants discussed and supported Assembly of business circles on February 29, 2012 and told about their willingness for active discussions in their business associations.

January 24 the first Vice-chairman of Minsk capital association of entrepreneurs and employers Viktor Margelov and chief of legal department Vadim Borodulia participated in session of Consultative and coordination Council of business communities (CCC). Participants discussed draft of Belarus National Business Platform – 2012 that was presented by Viktor Margelov. After the session decision about global discussion of draft at Assembly of business circles of Belarus, that will be held on February 29, was made. During the session were discussed other numerous issues of business climate of Belarus.

January 24 the first Vice-chairman of Minsk capital association of entrepreneurs and employers Viktor Margelov and chief of legal department Vadim Borodulia participated in session of working group on Decree #150 “On perfection of control (supervisory) activity” that was held in Ministry of Taxation. Participants discussed last variant of changes in Decree and Regulation on organizational order in sphere of monitoring checks.

 December 20, 2011 in Vileika (Minsk region) under support of Vileika district executive committee and inspection of Ministry of taxation was held a roundtable “Modern instruments of financial support of small and medium business in Belarus” for representatives of small and medium business that was dedicated to development of cervices of micro financing in region.

Leaders of business associations, including Alexander Kalinin, Vladimir Karyagin, Alexander Sevrukevich (Belarusian science and industry association), Vadim Borodulia (MUEE) and Elena Gonakova (deputy director of Department of prices in Ministry of economy) participated in session of Ministry of economy, with 15 people. Under discussion was a draft of Decree on antimonopoly politics. Business told about demonopolization of health care and education, development of private medicine and private educational establishments, presented position of business community on mechanisms of economy liberalization and necessity of antimonopoly department foundation.

 Outstanding event for Belarus was a session of Council of Ministers Presidium on October 4 where were discussed measures on business climate perfection in context of NBP-2011 that was presented to government within the framework of campaign “From door – to door”. At session participated members of government, government bodies, representatives of National bank, CCI, heads of leading business associations. MUEE and BCE were presented by Vladimir Karyagin and Viktor Margelov. The reports were made by Nikolai Snopkov (Minister of economy) and Vladimir Karyagin. In his report Minister marked that government has to work with business – community on key directions of NBP-2011: 1) development of competition 2) creation of entrepreneurial ownership 3) decrease of bureaucratization and administrative procedures. NBP-2011 was supported by governors, speaker of parliament, chairman of Supreme court, Minister of finances.

On September 29 Chairman of MCAEE Vladimir Karyagin departed to business trip to Poland. The aim is participation in first business forum of Eastern Partnership that will take place in Sopot under auspices of President of Poland Bronislav Komarovski, Chairman of European council German Van Rompui and speaker of European parliament Eji Buzek. The event is organized by Polish confederation of private employers LEWIATAN, association BUSINESSEUROPE and authorities of Sopot. About 200 representatives of European countries and Eastern Partnership countries will visit the event.

 On September 28 in office of MCAEE was held a session during which specialists of ministries analyzed mechanisms of National business platform – 2011 implementation. Representatives of business community discussed their offers to government. It was necessary for preparation to the session of Council of ministers of Belarus on offers of NBP-2011 that will take place on October 4 under support of Prime minister of Belarus. In session participated representatives of business associations, National bank, Ministry of taxation, Ministry on economy, State control committee, Ministry of finance.  After Council of ministers of Belarus will be held briefing in MCAEE office on October 4, 2011 at 14.00.

On September 21 director of Regional center of industrial cooperation (subcontracting) Eduard Polutorov participated in work of Regional exchange of subcontracting that took place in Moscow. The target was advancement and development of cooperation among small, medium and big industrial enterprises of Moscow, regions of Russia and foreign countries.

On September 15 the first Vice – chairman of MCAEE Viktor Margelov participated in session of working group in Ministry of trade of Belarus where was analyzed draft of law “On state registration of trade and public catering enterprises”. Session was held under the chairmanship of Minister of trade Irina Narkevich.

 On September 10 MCAEE delegation arrived from Krynitsa – Zdrui where during September 7 – 9 took place XXI Economic forum. This forum was held under motto “European dilemmas: partnership or competition?” As usually Forum, that was organized in 1991 by Institute of East – European researches (Warsaw), became an outstanding event in Central Europe.

Календарь МССПиР

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