National teleconference of regional business associations was held on September 2, 2011 with participation of representatives of 11 cities (Brest, Borisov, Vitebsk, Minsk, Molodechno, Bobruisk, Grodno, Rogachev, Jlobin, Mogilev, Lida). In it participated 75 people. At session under discussion were problems of economic situation in Belarus. Participants showed anxiety that Government may interfere private business, including increase of checks, transfer business income to state needs. Participants decided to offer measures on improvement at currency and consumer market, development dialogue between business and authority and activation of advocacy.
On – line registration for unitary enterprises and individual entrepreneurs
In Minsk from September 1, 2011 is possible to register unitary enterprises and individual entrepreneurs on – line. Now functions web portal of Single state register for legal bodies and individual entrepreneurs. So, in Belarus now it is possible to register business on – line.
Roundtable on issues of domestic industry support
On August 12, 2011 in MUEE office was held a roundtable on issues of domestic industry support for heads of industrial enterprises. In it participated Chairman of Belarusian CCI M. Miatlikov and other representatives of CCI management and also V. Karyagin. They market that for effective industrial activity is necessary for business community representatives, experts of CCI, State customs committee and State committee on standardization to participate actively in working groups’ sessions with the reason to liquidate difficulties in the sphere.
Session of Public consultation council at Minsk city executive committee
On August 3 chairman of PA Minsk capital association of entrepreneurs and employers Vladimir Karyagin and the first vice-chairman of PA Minsk capital association of entrepreneurs and employers Viktor Margelov took part at session of Public consultation council at Minsk city executive committee. Under discussion were issues of increase of off-budget financing of healthcare, foundation of industrial zone, support of economic objects in sphere of export-oriented (import-replacing) industry.
The idea of credit unions self regulation was confirmed at roundtable session.
On July 18 chairman of MCAEE Vladimir Karyagin participated in roundtable on topic “Credit cooperatives – state of self regulation? Advantages, risks, international practice” and “Partnership – condition for successful work and development”. Vladimir Karyagin supported idea of self regulation of credit unions and underlined necessity for its development. Organizer of event: member of Belarusian confederation of entrepreneurship – Republican association of financial mutual aid.
Triangular business dialog in Moscow
On July 12, 2011 in Moscow was opened Conference of Belarusian, Kazakhstan and Russia business unions with participation of prime – ministers on topic: “From Customs union to Common customs space: interests of business”. During the Conference were discussed issues, connected with investment climate of Common customs space, harmonization of transport and logistics activity in CU and CCS, formation of Common informational space based on modern informational technologies. Vladimir Karyagin was in charge of MCAEE, PA delegation.
Subcontracting and UNIDO project
On July 11 chairman of MUEE Vladimir Karyagin carried on negotiations on issues of industrial subcontracting development in Belarus within the framework of UNIDO project.
The world discussed future forms of cooperation in Sigtuna, Sweden
Top politicians, CEOs, and representatives from international organizations together with entrepreneurs and scientists took part in Tällberg Forum. The theme for this year’s Forum is “How can we agree to agree”, looks at new forms of cooperation which are necessary to meet global problems. The Forum’s focus was on how we can find better solutions globally, nationally and locally for financial growth and the environment. These questions was discussed by 415 participants from 55 countries at the Forum’s 41 workshops and 7 plenary sessions.
Meeting in MCAEE office with delegation from Israel
On June 21 in office of MCAEE was held a business meeting with delegation from Israel during which were discussed possibilities of cooperation between entrepreneurs of two countries. In negotiations participated advisor of Minister of tourism of Israel Mihail Dulman and project manager Etan Zafrir. MCAEE was presented by financial director Anatoli Goldberg, deputy director of Beldhardgroup, Co. Vladimir Shulik, co-founder of Zapagromash, Co. Alexander Mazoliak, director of Belreas, Co. Mihail Gohman.
Latvia – Scandinavia business forum
On June 19 heads of partner enterprises of MCAEE departed to business trip during which they will participate in international seminars on topic: “Optimization of external-economic relations of Belarusian enterprises: Latvia – Scandinavia business forum ”. Participants will visit Latvia and Scandinavian countries. Organizers of event – ALE Republican confederation of entrepreneurship, Representation of RCE in Latvia, Minsk capital association of entrepreneurs and employers, company “Latinservis”, CES “XXI century”.
Business trip to Sweden
On June 19 Belarusian delegation of MCAEE, RCE and business union named after prof. Kuniavski representatives departed to business trip to Sweden. During the meeting will take place meetings with Swedish entrepreneurs, visits to offices of Sweden confederation of entrepreneurship, Sweden trade federation, Sweden federation of business holders, Sweden state departments responsible for cooperation with business. Organizer of event – Sweden international industrial council (NIR).
June 15 – The day of Belarusian entrepreneurship revival
On June 15 was held a press – conference, devoted to The day of Belarusian entrepreneurship revival. Chairman of Minsk capital association of entrepreneurs and employers Vladimir Karyagin congratulated all participants with 19th anniversary of Belarusian entrepreneurship revival and announced that the work on Belarus national business platform-2011 has successfully finished.