Internet conference by BEL.BIZ

 On April, 4 President of MCAEE Vladimir Karyagin and Vice-President of MCAEE Lilia Koval took part in the Internet conference “Labour market in Belarus: problems and perspectives of development” held by the business portal BEL.BIZ. The participants analysed the following topics: “Statement of labour market and employment policy in the Republic of Belarus”, “Problems of labour market from the point of view of head of enterprise”, “Requirements to different specialists”, “Possibilities to search a job and a specialists provided by the business portal BEL.BIZ for participants of labour market”.

RABOTA.BEL.BIZ – new project of the portal BEL.BIZ about jobs.


Cooperation with the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of the Republic of Belarus
The reliable circle of the employers (vacancies only by partners of the portal BEL.BIZ)
Pieces of advices of the best recruiting agencies in Minsk


RABOTA.BEL.BIZ will be useful for those:
•   Who are searching for a job
  Vacancies of BEL.BIZ – vacancies of the best Belarusian companies and recruiting agencies.
  Vacancies of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of the Republic of Belarus in Minsk and nationwide.
  Useful pieces of advice – how to write a resume properly, to pass a recruitment talk and protect one`s own rights while recruitment.
  Ideas and offers for summer vacancies for students.
•   Who are offering jobs (partners of the portal and recruiting agencies)
 Access to the administrative part of RABOTA.BEL.BIZ for posting own vacancies.
•   Who are heads of companies
Digest of practical articles about recruiting.
BEL.BIZ – professional portal for business
Business portal BEL.BIZ ( is the most popular special resource for business in Belarus. 

2 500 unique visitors a day;
80 sections;
1600 practical articles in business, law and economy;
2000 answers by experts on actual questions from users on different aspects of doing business in Belarus;
Partnership of 100 leading legal and consulting companies, banks, business print media of Belarus and organs of state management.

BEL.BIZ OFFERS:                 
Practical materials and recommendations which can help to start and develop own business successfully.
Information about where to find money for own business
Answers of professionals on the most actual questions from entrepreneurs
Calendar of trainings and workshops, exhibitions and fairs, state and professional holidays.
Possibilities of effective promotion of goods and services, development of business partnership.

Data basis of legal entities created and regularly updated together with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus;
Section FAQ when every user of BEL.BIZ can ask a question and get the competent answer from partners of the portal – law agencies;
Photo competitions on the topic of business development in which both professional photographs and photo amateur can participate.
Business portal BEL.BIZ was created by International Finance Corporation (IFC) in 2005. Портал посетили более 600 000 пользователей. BEL.BIZ является победителем конкурса “The Brand of the Year of Belarus” in the nominations “Internet projects” (2005) and “Socially responsible brand” (2006). According to the research held by IFC in March 2006, 50% of Belarusian entrepreneurs know the portal BEL.BIZ.