Our information partner “Top-person” reports:

Read the next issue of the advertising-information weekly “Top-person” on Tuesday, May, 29 – materials in “Actual topic” section: “Corporate culture in Belarusian companies”

      Corporate culture is very complex and many-sided. It includes a great number of relative elements: ideas, views, principles and values… It consolidates people in one staff, forms the definite way of behaviour, style of relations with colleagues, motivation level. Belarusian companies pay much attention to corporate culture – its forming and development.
      The new issue of “Top-person” also offers the following materials: “Headhunting: peculiarities of the national recruiting” Are there the definite technologies of headhunting, what are its peculiarities and development perspectives in Russia and Belarus – Rustam Barnohadzhaev, the father-founder of headhunting in Russia, answers our questions. The topic is commented by the leading Belarusian consulting and recruiting experts.
      If you have any questions and comments to the newspaper materials please e-mail Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript. or call 299-02-79, 299-02-89

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