The Session of Capital Business Club of Directors

elena_na_club The Session of Capital Business Club of DirectorsOn October, 23 the Session of Capital Business Club of Directors has taken place. The honour guests were: the program officer of CIPE (the Center for International Private Enterprise) Elena 101_1039 The Session of Capital Business Club of DirectorsSuhir, the adviser for legal matters of the International Financial Corporation, honored lawyer of the Republic of Belarus Fadeev V. A; head of the analytical centre "Strategy", the economist and the political scientist, the senior lecturer Zaiko L.F., the head of the centre of science «Mizes» of Analytical Centre "Strategy", the economist on following matters: the results of cooperation IFC with government of the Republic of Belarus in improvement of the business environment in Belarus, business climate of the Republic of Belarus in a context of the National Business Platform of Belarus Romanchuk Jaroslav. The theme «Business America - a view "inside out" was perfectly reported by the first vice-chairman of the Association, director of Unitary Enterprise «Tridacta» Margelov V.E. The session has been carried out in cafй «Lunar amulet».