(Republic of Belarus, Minsk, December 2-5, 2008)

Main purposes: consolidation of cooperation of Belarusian banks with foreign banks, professional engagement and interaction between banks and end enterprises, attracting the attention of banks and business-society for advantages of interregional cooperation, possibilities to invest in realization of regional programs and projects, experience exchange, discussions of actual problems of banking sector development in modern world.

Conception and program:

* Within the framework of Conference it is provided carrying out of sessions and «round tables». It is planning preparation of the catalogue of participants, widespreading of informational materials concerning Belarusian Bank System development, possibilities for investors in Belarus, programs of regional development and other.

* Participants have a possibility to visit specialized exhibition of financing facilities «Credit. Insurance industry. Leasing. » and take part in its program: seminars, «round tables» on the 4th – 5th of December, 2008.

* Plenary session of the Conference will start on the 3rd of December, 2008.

We propose the following topics for reports, questions for discussion

* Strategy of Bank development in new Europe, Asia, CIS countries and other states.

* Currencies dialog: Euro, Dollar or Yuan

* Privatization in Belarus: possibilities and challenges for investors

* Innovativeness of financial structures: chances and fears.

* Development of bank sector in former USSR Countries in the context of globalization and integration processes. Achievements and Perspectives of Bank System in Republic of Belarus.

* Global crisis of  liquidity and aftereffects for finance markets and Economic

* Innovative capital. The experience of financing of innovative projects by venture capital

* The role of venture capital in development of Economic: the experience and perspectives

* IPO transactions in Bank Sector: consolidation, amalgamation and merger

* Bank risks management

* PRIVATE BANKING and funds management

* Banking in CIS: cross-border possibilities

* Retail banking

* Financing and microfinancing of small- and medium sized business: mechanisms and perspectives.

* Strengthening of cooperation between banks and enterprises

* «Guide» of investment cooperation. Are Belarusian enterprises ready to invest abroad?

* Does Republic of Belarus need special Bank of invest projects development?

* Investment potential of Republic of Belarus

* The role of Bank Sector in providing of stable regional development

* Development of infrastructural projects

* How to invest projects of real sector of economy?

Welcome to cooperation!

We will wait your requests, reports, speeches, remarks and proposals for Conference Program




220033, Republic of Belarus,                                                                                                          ph. (+375 17) 298-24-38, 48, 49

Minsk, 11-104 Serafimovich str.,                                                                                                        fax. (+375 17) 298-24-38

www.allminsk.biz                                                                                                                                  e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.


Dear Colleageus!

            On behalf of the Organizing Committee we are honored to invite you to the IV International Conference “Bank, Capital and Investment for Business and Regions” which is going to be held in the capital of the Republic of Belarus on December, 3-5, 2008 in National library of Belarus (116 Nezavisimost avenue).

            Invitation to the conference has been addressed to the representatives of leading banks and bank associations, financial industrial groups, financial and consulting companies, scientists, specialists of analytical canters, research institutes and educational institutions, as well as experts from international programs and foundations, CIS Executive committee, International Monetary Fund, UNDP, UNIDO, World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, International Finance Corporation, representatives of central and local government, branch ministries, administrations of free economic zones, managers of leading enterprises and companies, observers of leading economic mass media.

            In December, 2007, an event of the same kind gathered more than 350 participants from 12 countries.

The conference is held with National Bank of the Republic of Belarus assistance.

The event is going to be conducted by Association of Belarusian banks, ANPO “Confederation of industrialists and entrepreneurs (employers)”, “Republican Confederation of Entrepreneurship” Association of legal person, “Minsk Capital Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers” PA, Entrepreneurship Support Center “XXI Century”, and other companies.

The program of the conference covers plenary sessions, thematic round tables and visiting the Particularized Exposition “Credit. Insurance. Leasing” (preliminary program of the exhibition is attached). Catalogue edition is planned. The participants of the conference will receive a set of informational materials on Belarusian bank system development and investment opportunities as well as interregional development programs.

Preliminary program of the conference is available at www.allminsk.biz, www.ibc.allminsk.biz.

Participation in the conference will provide you with an opportunity to:

-  get acquainted with the representatives of foreign and Belarusian banks, potential investors, heads of business associations, industrialists and entrepreneurs, establish beneficial business contacts;

-  exchange professional experience and ideas, share knowledge on and provide solutions to various types of issues;

-  popularize your services, make a contribution to the discussion on creation and development of new financial services;

-  visit the exhibition “Credit. Insurance. Leasing”;

-  represent your investment project;

-  to get acquainted with the opportunities of interregional cooperation, participation in investment programs and projects on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

            The beginning of the conference is scheduled for December, 3, 2008 at 10.00 am, participation in the Exposition is planned for December, 4 and 5.

            Participation fee for one participant is ?320.

            The participation fee covers:

-  participation in plenary sessions and round tables; thematic discussions;

-  visiting all the events within the framework of the conference program;

-  badges, information materials, conference catalogue;

-  participation in evening business club and reception on the occasion of conference opening;

-  organizational, advertisement and editorial expenses.

If a delegation consists of four and more individuals, the head of the delegation is free from the participation fee.

Participation by correspondence is provided as well. It includes entering information into the catalogue and publication of the theses to an extent of 25% of a print sheet, the fee for participation by correspondence is ?100.

            Participation applications as well as information on accommodation booking and transfer is available by request. The deadline for the information to be sent to the catalogue is November, 25, 2008.

            The deadline for the applications is November, 25, 2008.

            In case you are interested, please, refer to the Organizing Committee and request the contract-order for the participation in the conference:

            Fax: +375 17 298 24 38,

            E-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript..

            Information on the conference is available at www.allminsk.biz.

            For further information please call:

            /+375 17/ 298 37 31, 298 24 46, 298 24 38, /+375 29/ 323 71 82

            Participation in the conference is a good opportunity to establish new and strengthen existing business contacts, exchange opinions and experience, and a good reason to get acquainted with the circumstances of business infrastructure of Belarus, receive first-hand information on Belarusian bank system.

           We will be glad to welcome you as a participant of the International Conference “Bank, Capital and Investment for Business and Regions”.