Opening of plenary session of conference and work of its basic debatable panels («round tables») - on May, 20th, 2009, in conference hall «BELEXPO» (Minsk, J.Kupaly's street, 27). The place of carrying out of conference is chosen far not casually, it will open in the first day of work and in the first International specialised exhibition «the Real estate and investments - 2009» (the organizer - National exhibition Center "BELEXPO" of the Administrative office of the President of Belarus). Simultaneous work of conference and an exhibition will essentially expand, in our opinion, possibility of useful contacts, business interaction and partnership of their participants. By the conference program it (is applied) active work at an exhibition, acquaintance to projects and the objects of the real estate presented at stands of exhibitors of an exhibition, participation on May, 21st and 22, 2009 in the exhibition business program (seminars, «round tables», etc.) is provided therefore . In turn, conference becomes for its participants, including - exhibitors of an exhibition, an effective platform for an exchange of opinions, ideas and experience, a place of presentation and advancement of the services, projects and realised objects of the real estate, discussion of pressing questions of development of the market of the real estate, adjustment of contacts and strengthening of business partnership.
The basic practical purposes of conference directed on development of the market of the real estate in Belarus:
v assistance to the potential investors, wishing to invest in development of the commercial real estate in Belarus, granting to them the information about legal conditions and participants of this market;
v creation of a platform for an exchange of opinions, ideas and experience between experts, the analysis and discussion of modern ways of financing of the commercial real estate, consideration of optimum ways of attraction of financing in projects and objects of the real estate;
v strengthening of interaction and business partnership of participants of the market of the real estate, including potential investors, representatives of bank and financial sector, builders, agencies of the real estate, insurance, developer, consulting, legal and other companies.
Conference urged to draw also attention of business community to actual problems of the commercial real estate in Belarus, to ways and mechanisms of overcoming of consequences of world financial crisis with reference to the real estate market, to stimulate investment activity.
To participation in conference are invited: representatives of financial and industrial groups, the developer companies, banks, the financial, legal and consulting, insurance and investment companies, leading agencies of the real estate and cadastral agencies, the companies which are engaged in estimated activity and examination, the building and developer companies, experts of the analytical centres, and also experts of the international programs and funds, diplomats, representatives of business associations, commercial and industrial chambers, the central and local governing bodies, the branch ministries and departments, administrations of special and free economic zones, heads of leading enterprises and the companies, observers of mass media of an economic profile and specialised editions.
In 2008 in the First International conference «the Commercial real estate in Belarus: Possibilities and prospects for investors» have taken part more than 80 heads and the experts representing all spectrum of participants of the market of the commercial real estate, banks and the companies serving this market, and also - foreign diplomats, journalists of specialised editions, employees of the branch ministries and departments, the central and local governing bodies.
Carrying out of action on behalf of its Organizing committee carry out: the Union of legal bodies «Republican Confederation of entreprenership», PA «Minsk Capital Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers», «The Center XXI-st century», Open Company "Eurodevelopment", etc.
By the conference program it is provided: carrying out of plenary session and thematic «round tables», and also participation in the business program of an exhibition «The Real estate and investments - 2009» and active work at exhibition stands, visiting of establishments and the companies operating in the market of the real estate, objects of the real estate in Minsk.
The catalogue edition, and also «the Navigator of the commercial real estate in Belarus» (on a compact disc) is planned.
The preliminary program of conference is placed on a web site:,
Conference opening - 20.05.2008 (Wednesday), at 14.00. Registration of participants - from 13.30. Participants of conference are invited this very day, 20.05.2009, at 10.00 to a meeting with representatives of governing bodies of Belarus, devoted to actual problems of the market of the real estate, realisation of general plans for development and town-planning plans in Belarus.
The registration payment for participation in conference for one representative makes 120 euros. The Belarus participants pay the sum in Belarus roubles, at the rate of National bank of Belarus on the maturity day. At formation of delegations of four and more persons it's head is released from a registration payment.
The sum of payment includes: participation in plenary sessions and sessions of "round tables», visiting of all actions within the limits of the conference program (including evening business club), both exhibitions «the Real estate and investments - 2009» entering of the information on participants into the conference catalogue (requisites and offers - to 0,25 p.), the identifier-badge, information materials, the catalogue of conference and «the Navigator of the commercial real estate in Belarus», organizational, advertising and publishing expenses.
For an additional payment the additional area in the catalogue of conference for advertising placing is given (to the information on projects and objects of the real estate, etc., and also (in coordination with organizers) distributing materials of participants of conference).
Correspondence participation in conference is provided (entering of the information into the catalogue, the publication of theses of performance (to 1 стр). Cost of correspondence participation - 50 euros (for the Belarus participants - in Belarus roubles, at the rate of National bank of Belarus on the maturity day). Payment for presentation performances of the companies (to 5 minutes) - 60 euros (for the Belarus participants - in the Belarus roubles, at the rate of National bank of Belarus on the maturity day).
The contract-application form for participation, the information on booking of hotels and transfer are sent on demand.
Term of a direction of application forms for participation - till May, 08th, 2008, term of a direction of the information in the catalogue - till May, 04th, 2009.
In case of your interest we ask to address in writing in Organizing committee (the deman on the enterprise form (the organisation) with names and posts of participants) to request the contract-application form for participation in conference and to send the information for the catalogue (fax (017) 2982438, e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.). Information about conference on the Internet:
Inquiries on telephone.: (017) 2982446, 2983731, (8029) 3237182.
Participation in conference is not only fine possibility to adjust new and to strengthen existing useful business contacts, to exchange opinions and experience, but also the convenient occasion to get acquainted with realities of the market of the commercial real estate of Belarus and it's objects, to direct the information to potential investors.
In Minsk we consider the organisation and conference carrying out as our general contribution to the decision of a problem, priority for each professional participant of the Belarus market of the real estate, - popularisation of this market as the place attractive to investments. We will be glad to welcome you among participants of conference.