July, 9th was finished training seminar for specialists and
of business associations. During the session “Strategic direction of
leader”, that has been held by Bob Harris, participants discussed the
issues of
realistic aims position, plans perfection through strategies
development, tasks
Vice-president of Saratov regional CCI Ulia Nazarova held a session “Positioning of organization as a leader of business community”, during which participants analyzed leader strategies of their business associations. Then was held “brain storm”, during which participants identified their ideas about the best image of a leader. The seminar was finished by the solemn ceremony of certificates disposal, confirming that their holders have successfully passed a 4 days seminar: “Strengthening organizational capacity of business associations in Belarus”. All participants have an opinion that seminar will have stimulating role in business associations development.
July, 9th was finished training seminar for specialists and
of business associations. During the session “Strategic direction of
leader”, that has been held by Bob Harris, participants discussed the
issues of
realistic aims position, plans perfection through strategies
development, tasks
Vice-president of Saratov regional CCI Ulia Nazarova held a session “Positioning of organization as a leader of business community”, during which participants analyzed leader strategies of their business associations. Then was held “brain storm”, during which participants identified their ideas about the best image of a leader. The seminar was finished by the solemn ceremony of certificates disposal, confirming that their holders have successfully passed a 4 days seminar: “Strengthening organizational capacity of business associations in Belarus”. All participants have an opinion that seminar will have stimulating role in business associations development.