Office of ALE "Belarusian confederation of entrepreneurship" in Riga

n238_5-1_press_in_bns Office of ALE "Belarusian confederation of entrepreneurship" in Riga09.12.2010 in Riga (Latvia) ALE “Belarusian confederation of entrepreneurship” opened the first office of non-government business associations of Belarus in EU. The task of office is to support development of business contacts among entrepreneurs and business associations of Belarus and Latvia, advancement of market economy and civil society ideas. In the same day in the office of information agency “BALTIC NEWS SERVICE” in Riga was held a press conference devoted to foundation of office in which participated representatives of 2 Latvian business associations: Latvian union of employers and Latvian association of small enterprises, Vladimir Karyagin and Alexander Gerasimenko (Ambassador of Belarus in Latvia). Information of this event was presented in mass media in Russian and Latvian (; “Berga bazars” etc.).